Future Technology USB serial converter drivers Version 2.12.06


Submitted On:
29 Aug 2015

Windows, Linux, Mac, Android

*Includes the following version of of the Windows operating system: Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 8, 8.1, Windows server 2012 R2. Also, as Windows 8 RT is a closed system not allowing for 3rd party driver installation our Windows 8 driver will not support this variant of the OS. You must use the Windows RT build for this platform.

**includes the following versions of Windows CE 4.2-5.2 based operating systems: Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 SE, Windows Mobile 5, Windows Mobile 6, Windows Mobile 6.1 ,Windows Mobile 6.5

NOTE: Microsoft have ended support for certifying XP and VISTA through their WHCK test program. As such current builds will still work on XP and VISTA but are not Microsoft certified.

Submitted On:
29 Aug 2015
File Size:
7,192.61 Kb
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