Intel Dynamic Tuning Technology (DTT) Version 9.0.10300.22308 WHQL
- Submitted On:
- 25 Nov 2021
- Description:
- Date & Version du drivers: 07/08/2021,9.0.10300.22308
- Date & Version du drivers: 07/08/2021,1.0.10300.22308
- WHQL: oui 19/07/21
- Officiel: non
- Sous: Windows 10/11
- Systeme: 64bits (X64)
- Pour:
- Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework Chipset Participant
- Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Technology Device Extension Component
- Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Technology Telemetry Service
- Intel(R) Innovation Platform Framework Manager'
Intel(R) Innovation Platform Framework Memory Participant'
Intel(R) Innovation Platform Framework Generic Participant'
Intel(R) Innovation Platform Framework Fan Participant'
Intel(R) Innovation Platform Framework PCH ACPI Participant'
Intel(R) Innovation Platform Framework Display Participant'
Intel(R) Innovation Platform Framework Power Participant'
Intel(R) Innovation Platform Framework Wireless Participant'
Intel(R) Innovation Platform Framework Ambient Temperature Sensor Participant'
Intel(R) Innovation Platform Framework Storage Participant'
Intel(R) Innovation Platform Framework Camera Participant'
Intel(R) Innovation Platform Framework Thunderbolt Participant'
Intel(R) Innovation Platform Framework Multi-Chip Discrete Graphics(DGFX) Participant'
Intel(R) Innovation Platform Framework PCH SPT ACPI Participant'
Intel(R) Innovation Platform Framework Multi-Chip Package Participant'
Intel(R) Innovation Platform Framework Battery Participant' - Intel(R) Innovation Platform Framework Processor Participant
- Code IDs:
ACPI\INTC1061 - PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_461D
- SWC\VID8086_DTT_1.0
- Langues: Multi
- Release note: non
- Inclus:
- Lien Officiel:
- Submitted On:
- 05 Jan 2022
- File Size:
- 8.88Mo
- Downloads:
- 718
- File Version:
- 9.0.10300.22308 WHQL
- File Author:
- Fdrsoft
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