Broadcom BCM-43xx Wireless 802.11ac PCI-E Drivers Version 1.558.53.0
Thank you for downloading Broadcom BCM-43xx Wireless 802.11ac PCI-E Drivers Version 1.558.53.0
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- Submitted On:
- 17 May 2016
- Description:
Date & Version: 04/10/2016, 1.558.53.0
Sous: Windows 10 (32/64)
%BCM43XXPCIE_DeviceDesc% = BCM43XAC_NT62_4350, PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_43A3
%BCM43XXPCIE_DeviceDesc% = BCM43XAC_NT62_4356, PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_43EC
%BCM43XXPCIE_DeviceDesc% = BCM43XAC_NT62_4371, PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_440D
%BCM43XXPCIE_DeviceDesc% = BCM43XAC_NT62_43602, PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_43BA
%BCM43XXPCIE_DeviceDesc% = BCM43XAC_NT62_4359, PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_43EF
%BCM43XXPCIE_DeviceDesc% = BCM43XAC_NT62_4366, PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_43C3 - Submitted On:
- 17 May 2016
- File Size:
- 69 030 672 octets
- Downloads:
- 470
- File Version:
- 1.558.53.0
- File Author:
- Fdrsoft
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