Ralink RT2x70, RT307X, RT3572, RT5071 Drivers Version WHQL
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- Submitted On:
- 25 Jul 2017
- Description:
Date & Version: 09/15/2016,
Sous: Windows 8/8.1/10 (32/64)
Pour: NETGEAR A6210 USB Wireless LAN
Mais peut être installé en forçant l'installation via le gestionnaire de périphériques pour être reconnu en Netgear A6210 voir ici (But can be installed by forcing the installation via the device manager to be recognized in Netgear A6210)
Release note: Fixed intermittent wireless connection issue, which is caused by PMF IOT issue
- Submitted On:
- 25 Jul 2017
- File Size:
- 1,322.13 Kb
- Downloads:
- 201
- File Version:
- File Author:
- Fdrsoft
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