Intel Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework Version 8.6.10400.9366 WHQL


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  • Date & Version du drivers: 05/06/2019,8.6.10400.9366
  • WHQL: oui
  • Officiel: non
  • Sous: Windows 10
  • Systeme: 64bits (X64)
  • Pour: Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework Chipset Participant
  • Descriptif:
  • INT3400.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Manager'
    INT3401.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Processor Participant'
    INT3402.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Memory Participant'
    INT3403.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Generic Participant'
    INT3404.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Fan Participant'
    INT3405.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning PCH ACPI Participant'
    INT3406.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Display Participant'
    INT3407.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Power Participant'
    INT3408.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Wireless Participant'
    INT3409.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Ambient Temperature Sensor Participant'
    INT340A.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Storage Participant'
    INT340B.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Camera Participant'
    INT340C.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Thunderbolt Participant'
    INT340D.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Multi-Chip Discrete Graphics(DGFX) Participant'
    INT343D.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning PCH SPT ACPI Participant'
    INT3530.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Multi-Chip Package Participant'
  • INT3532.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Battery Participant'
  • PROCSNB.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Processor Participant'
    PROCIVB.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Processor Participant'
    PROCHSW.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Processor Participant'
    PROCBDW.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Processor Participant'
    PROCSKL.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Processor Participant'
    PROCCHT.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Processor Participant'
    PROCBX0.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Processor Participant'
    PROCBX1.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Processor Participant'
    PROCBXX.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Processor Participant'
    PROCBXP.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Processor Participant'
    PROCCNL.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Processor Participant'
    PROCGLK.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Processor Participant'
    PROCICL.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Processor Participant'
    PROCLKF.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Processor Participant'
    PROCTGL.DeviceDesc  = 'Intel(R) Dynamic Tuning Processor Participant'
  • Code IDs:
  • %PROCSNB.DeviceDesc%  = EsifManagerLegacy10.0,PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0103
    %PROCIVB.DeviceDesc%  = EsifManagerLegacy10.0,PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0153
    %PROCHSW.DeviceDesc%  = EsifManagerLegacy10.0,PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0C03
    %PROCHSW.DeviceDesc%  = EsifManagerLegacy10.0,PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0A03
    %PROCHSW.DeviceDesc%  = EsifManagerLegacy10.0,PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0D03
    %PROCBDW.DeviceDesc%  = EsifManagerLegacy10.0,PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1603
    %PROCSKL.DeviceDesc%  = EsifManagerLegacy10.0,PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1903
    %PROCCHT.DeviceDesc%  = EsifManagerLegacy10.0,PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_22DC
    %PROCBX0.DeviceDesc%  = EsifManagerLegacy10.0,PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0A8C
    %PROCBX1.DeviceDesc%  = EsifManagerLegacy10.0,PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1A8C
    %PROCBXX.DeviceDesc%  = EsifManagerLegacy10.0,PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_4A8C
    %PROCBXP.DeviceDesc%  = EsifManagerLegacy10.0,PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_5A8C
    %PROCCNL.DeviceDesc%  = EsifManagerLegacy10.0,PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_5A03
    %PROCGLK.DeviceDesc%  = EsifManagerLegacy10.0,PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_318C
    %PROCICL.DeviceDesc%  = EsifManagerLegacy10.0,PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_8A03
    %PROCLKF.DeviceDesc%  = EsifManagerLegacy10.0,PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9820
    %PROCTGL.DeviceDesc%  = EsifManagerLegacy10.0,PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9A03
  • Langues: Multi
  • Release note: non
  • Inclus:
  • Lien Officiel:


Submitted By:
Fdrsoft (admin)
Submitted On:
30 Jul 2019
File Size:
7,772,574 octets
File Version:
8.6.10400.9366 WHQL
File Author:
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