Intel Network Connections Software Version 28.0

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Submitted On:
22 Feb 2023

Intel(R) Network Connections Software Version 28.0 Release Notes
February 16, 2023

This release includes software and drivers for Intel(R) Ethernet adapters and 
integrated network connections.


- What's New in This Release
- Supported Operating Systems
- User Guides
- Intel Fiber Optic Connections
- Customer Support

What's New in This Release

Hardware Support
- None for this release

Software Features
- New PowerShell cmdlet Register-IntelEthernetRDMACounterSet
- New PowerShell cmdlet Unregister-IntelEthernetRDMACounterSet
- Windows installer automatically loads the RDMA performance counter 
functionality on Windows Server systems
- On Intel(R) Ethernet 800 series devices, received packets with multicast MAC 
addresses are now redirected to Flow Director and RSS queues.

On Intel(R) Ethernet 820 Series devices:
- Support for FreeBSD* 13.1
- Support for Microsoft* Windows Server 2019 and newer and Azure Stack HCI on 
the Intel(R) Ethernet Connection E823-L
- FreeBSD RDMA support on the Intel(R) Ethernet Connection E823-L 

Removed Features
- End of support for Microsoft Windows 8.1
- End of support for Microsoft Windows 10 Version 20H2 (build 19042)
- End of support for Microsoft Windows 10 Version 21H1 (build 19043)
- End of support for VMWare ESXi 6.5
- End of support for VMWare ESXi 6.7
- End of support for the iw_ixl FreeBSD driver

Supported Operating Systems
The drivers in this release have been tested with the following operating 
systems (OSs). Additional OSs may function with our drivers but are not tested. 

NOTE: Not all devices support all operating systems listed. Refer to the 
release notes for detailed OS support information for your device. 

Microsoft* Windows Server*, Azure Stack HCI, and Windows*
Microsoft Windows Server 2022 
Microsoft Windows Server 2019, Version 1903
Microsoft Windows Server 2016
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
Microsoft Windows Server 2012
Microsoft Azure Stack HCI
Microsoft Windows 11 22H2 
Microsoft Windows 11 21H2 
Microsoft Windows 10 21H2 
Microsoft Windows 10, Version 1809

VMware* ESXi*
VMWare ESXi 8.0 
VMware ESXi 7.0 
Please refer to VMWare's download site for the latest ESXi drivers for Intel® 
Ethernet® devices.

Linux Real Time Kernel 5.x and 4.x (only on Intel Ethernet E810 Series) 
Linux, v2.4 kernel or higher
Red Hat* Enterprise Linux* (RHEL) 9.1
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.7 
SUSE* Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 15 SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5
Canonical* Ubuntu* 22.04 LTS 
Canonical Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Debian* 11

FreeBSD 13.1 
FreeBSD 12.3 

Release note: intel officiel

Submitted On:
22 Feb 2023
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