Greetings to all, to remember the work done and to be able to continue to share my passion with you, thank you for making a gift.
I am infinitely grateful to those who give me a gift regularly😉


Marvell/Aquantia Firmware Version 3.1.056 (AQx-107/108)


Submitted On:
12 Feb 2019

Origine: DELL

Release note:
FW release ver 3.1.56
FW release bundle for Aquantia NICs (AQC107, AQC108)

Revision history

Fixes for:
- FW doesn’t report 5G capability to the driver when Autonegis set on both parties
- “Boot to PXE” option doesn’t work on systems with double PERST.
- No link in PXE after image loading was interrupted in PXE with “Ctrl+Alt+Del”

• Improved transition of PHY to/from low power mode (do not allow other operations while it is in progress)
[AQC111/112] Fixes:
• Disabled PCIe lane auto-disable feature because it cannot work correctly due to switched PCIe lanes in AQC111/112 chip and caused system hang on startup on particular HW
• Fixed BSoD due to memory corruption on system start up caused by active datapath: when booting from PXE/UEFI to OS, datapath in the chip remained active and could write to memory while system is booting up. This fix is important for all platforms with enabled OptionROM
• Fixed long start up in PXE when media is not connected (this was caused by attempts to get DHCP address)

- Fixed issue with no link during loopback test
- Fix for pause frame handling in PHY FW
- PHY goes to thermal shutdown at 80 degrees
• Interface for controlling LEDs from the driver [requested for DPDK]
• Reduced link up time (important for automotive designs)

• Preparations for Host Boot: MAC FW reads BDP from the host after loading

[AQC100] Fixes:
- Fix for long link up at 1G for fiber
• Added SFP+ SMBUS malfunction detector for Felicity board.
• Added SMBus access for the driver [requested for DPDK]
[AQC111/112] Fixes:
• Power optimizations

- Fix for Tx traffic stuck: Force 100M/1G to use XFI/USX for driver mode and use SGMII for sleep proxy mode PTP/AVB: Merged TPO2 feature from 2.x (TPO2 must be enabled from the driver)
- Fix for 'Firmware did not check TCP sequence number range in TCP Keepalive'
- Changed the truncation boundary for FW echo responder to 64 bytes (it is a typical echo request size)
- Firmware now ignores packets with bad checksum
- [Bermuda B0] Fix for 'Nic is not enumerated with fw when pluged in some PCIe slots'
- [Felicity] Added functionality to disable PFC for AQC100

- New OptionRom with fixes in PXE
- New PHY Firmware


Fdrsoft ni Station-Drivers ne pourrait être responsable en cas de problèmes ou autres

Submitted On:
17 Sep 2024
File Size:
116 269 213 octets
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