Hello to all of you,
To thank the work done and to allow an improvement of the site, given the low income from advertising, the site allows to live exclusively with donations, thank you for your generosity and a big thank you to those who give it to me regularly to whom I will be infinitely indebted for the maintenance of SD😉


Intel Chipset Device Software Version WHQL


Soumis le:
13 May 2014
  • Date & Version du drivers: 25/04/2014,
  • WHQL: oui
  • Officiel: non
  • Sous:
  •     Microsoft Windows 2000
        Microsoft Windows XP
        Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 
        Microsoft Windows Vista
        Microsoft Windows Vista x64 
        Microsoft Windows 7
        Microsoft Windows 7 x64
        Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
        Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 x64
        Microsoft Windows 8
        Microsoft Windows 8 x64
        Microsoft Windows Server 2012
        Microsoft Windows Server 2012 x64
        Microsoft Windows 8.1
        Microsoft Windows 8.1 x64
        Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
        Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 x64
  • Pour: ICH/PCH 9/8/7/6/5/.... (Z97/Z87/Z77/Z68/....)
  • Release note: oui (05/2014)prise en charge des chipsets CPU/PCH: Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5 v3/Core i7 / Intel(R) C610 series/X99 chipset
Soumis le:
17 Jul 2015
Taille du fichier:
1,259.67 Kb
Version du fichier: WHQL
Auteur du fichier:
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