Intel USB 3.1 Controller Drivers Version WHQL
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- Submitted On:
- 12 Apr 2016
- Description:
Sous: Windows 7 (32/64)
Date & Version du Drivers: 02/08/2016,
This package provides drivers for Alpine Ridge USB3.1 Controller for Windows* 7, namely including:
- Intel(R) USB 3.1 eXtensible Host Controller Driver
- Intel(R) USB 3.1 Hub DriverSupported USB 3.1 Controller
L6000 Series (Tested with NVM rev 16)Fixed Issues
4956036 USB driver stops to be functional after running simultaneous webcam and pendrive transfers.
4926991 System stops transferring file between USB2.0 and USB 3.0 devices via Type-C hub.
B268419 USB headset/Speaker has no output or audio distortion when attaching Type-C to USB2.0
4926959 ENHK/ZH-HK language falls back to CHS instead of CHT
4927190 USB driver won't install if logged in username includes 'space' character - Submitted On:
- 15 Sep 2018
- File Size:
- 1,32MB
- Downloads:
- 1604
- File Version:
- File Author:
- Pacman