casque Вопрос Realtek Audio Control

erpster96 ответил в теме Realtek Audio Control

Posted 2 дн. 20 ч. назад #3061
v1.51.334 of the Realtek Audio Control app recently available from pal1000's unofficial-uad-generic github page

edit: avoid downloading & using any of the 2.51.x versions of Realtek Audio Control as they require a brand new HSA file that is not publicly released yet.
stay with the 1.51.x or older versions
Last Edit:2 дн. 20 ч. назад от erpster96
Последнее редактирование: 2 дн. 20 ч. назад пользователем erpster96.
Спасибо сказали: Ataemonus

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