audio Вопрос Realtek HDA/UAD/Component Drivers

erpster96 ответил в теме Realtek HDA/UAD/Component Drivers

Posted 1 год 6 мес. назад #397

For Realtek HDA audio driver, anything released after version 6.0.9273.1 that released last year November 2021?

6.0.9273.1? Are you sure that's an HDA driver? The last I know about is 6.0.9239.1.



hmm, what does this tell you, Tom?

a 150MB something cab download from MS Catalog like this is probably an HDA (nonUAD) driver.
for further proof, download this 6.0.9273.1 driver pack from MS and see for yourself and view
its contents in any file archiving tool like 7zip, Winrar or Winzip.

btw, this 6.0.9273.1 driver version was released to Microsoft in late March 2022, when there were
already 6.0.9300.x something driver versions available from MS, which are usually small UAD/DCH versions
and are not even close to the size of the 9273 driver.

if SM-003 here wants newer HDA drivers, he should ask/contact Realtek directly for them as many
PC manufacturers nowadays are not getting new HDA versions anymore and are only getting new
UAD/DCH versions.
Last Edit:1 год 6 мес. назад от erpster96
Последнее редактирование: 1 год 6 мес. назад пользователем erpster96.
Спасибо сказали: Tom

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Tom ответил в теме Realtek HDA/UAD/Component Drivers

Posted 1 год 6 мес. назад #398
Thank you erpster, it looks like a HDA driver, but I am not a specialist on this.
But the absence of any related UAD components, make a pretty good verdict for HDA.
Frankly, my first source is still here and I can't recall now, there was a topic about this particular driver version. Unfortunately, if it was, then it got lost with the previous forum.

Edit: 6.0.0273.1 is a generic HDA driver with FF04.

Last Edit:1 год 6 мес. назад от Tom
Последнее редактирование: 1 год 6 мес. назад пользователем Tom.

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SM-003 ответил в теме Realtek HDA/UAD/Component Drivers

Posted 1 год 6 мес. назад #400

For Realtek HDA audio driver, anything released after version 6.0.9273.1 that released last year November 2021?

6.0.9273.1? Are you sure that's an HDA driver? The last I know about is 6.0.9239.1.

here's the answer but I'm late & you already got your reply I believe

System H/W Specifications

от SM-003
Спасибо сказали: Tom

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contra ответил в теме Realtek HDA/UAD/Component Drivers

Posted 1 год 6 мес. назад #402
Realtek Audio Universal Service_1.0.575.0_10.0_x64

DriverVer = 11/07/2022, 1.0.575.0
от contra
Спасибо сказали: Ataemonus

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erpster96 ответил в теме Realtek HDA/UAD/Component Drivers

Posted 1 год 6 мес. назад #424

Link fixed sorry

I always offer the official drivers of the manufacturers after Windows offers more recent drivers too

Realtek HD Audio (UAD) Drivers Version R2.8x (9407.1) WHQL (Gigabyte) (

thanks admin for the updated link to the 9407.1 gigabyte driver.

I noticed that the 9421.1 asus driver was mentioned this past weekend.
however, there are 9427.1 asus drivers recently available from the asus rog site for some 2021 & 2022 laptop models
от erpster96

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