disk Sammanslagna a short info about the Intel RST drivers (300 Series)

Svar från Nemesis2354 i ämnet a short info about the Intel RST drivers (300 Series)

Posted 2 veckor 5 dagar sedan #3000
Hi Fernando,

i know. This driver is in the legacy directory.I have tried several times to update the AHCI controller from version to Both via the installer and manually. It doesn't take over the driver.

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Svar från Fernando i ämnet a short info about the Intel RST drivers (300 Series)

Posted 2 veckor 5 dagar sedan #3001
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1. Which is the DeviceID of your on-board Intel SATA AHCI Controller?
2. Did you try to force the manual installation of the driver (by using the "Have Disk" option)?
Last Edit:2 veckor 5 dagar sedan av Fernando
Last edit: 2 veckor 5 dagar sedan by Fernando. Orsak: addition of a second question

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Svar från Nemesis2354 i ämnet a short info about the Intel RST drivers (300 Series)

Posted 2 veckor 5 dagar sedan #3002
Matching device ID: PCI\CC_010601
Lower Rank Drivers:
Device updated: false
Parent device: ACPI\PNP0A08\0
 Of course I can force Windows to install the driver, but I get the warning message that this driver is not for my device.

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Svar från Fernando i ämnet a short info about the Intel RST drivers (300 Series)

Posted 2 veckor 5 dagar sedan #3003
Your submitted DeviceID doesn't match any Intel SATA Controller. So it is no wonder, that you were not able to get the Intel RST driver manually installed.
To find out the HardwareIDs (VendorID and DeviceID) of your on-board Intel SATA AHCI Controller you should do the following:
1. Run the Device Manager and expand the "IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers" section.
2. Right-click onto the listed SATA AHCI Controller(s) and choose the options "Properties" > "Details".
3. Under "Property" scroll down the drop-down menu until you get the option "HardwareIDs".

For a manual update of the driver for the listed SATA AHCI Controller, you should right-click onto it and choose the options "Update driver" > "Browse my computer..." > click onto the "Search" box and navigate to the wanted driver.
Last Edit:2 veckor 5 dagar sedan av Fernando
Last edit: 2 veckor 5 dagar sedan by Fernando.

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Svar från Nemesis2354 i ämnet a short info about the Intel RST drivers (300 Series)

Posted 2 veckor 5 dagar sedan #3004


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