Renesas/Nec uPD720201/720202 USB 3.0 Drivers Version WHQL


Submitted On:
13 Apr 2016

Sous: Windows 20xx/Xp/Vista/7/8/8.1 (32/64)

Date du drivers:


Pour chipsets: uPD720201 & uPD720202


Release note:

- Windows Logo Information   Submission ID: 1519851   Product Name: Renesas Electronics USB3.0 Host Controller   Category: Device   Subcategory: Bus Controllers and Ports > USB Controller                Unclassiified   Qualification Level:  Signature Only - Microsoft Windows XP family, x86                         Signature Only - Microsoft Windows XP family, x64                         Logo - Microsoft Windows Vista family, x86 Basic                         Logo - Microsoft Windows Vista family, x64 Basic                         Windows 7                         Windows 7 x64                         Logo - Certified for Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Release 2 family, x64
[1. Modified driver] 1-1.Additional remediation was implemented for the following issues:   [ver's history, item 2-2]    2-2. When continuously starting & stopping the video capture with        a specific USB2.0 Camera, the specific USB2.0 camera cannot        restart the video capture.
1-2.There is a possibility that BSOD occurs when performing the Common    Scenario Stress-with-IO test in WHQL, when connecting an external    USB hub to USB 3.0 Host Controller.      1-3.There is a possibility that BSOD occurs when S3/S4->resume is executed    with the xHCI Backwards Compatibility Tree on enabling the driver    verifier.
1-4.The host driver clears USBLEGCTLSTS register after the host driver    obtained Ownership from Ver3.0.2.0Beta. Therefore, BIOS needs to set    'SMI on OS Ownership Enable' bit in USBLEGCTLSTS register to '1b'    if BIOS has set 'HC BIOS Owned Semaphore' to '1b' and hands Ownership    off after S3/S4->Resume.     If a system using SMIB signal doesn't set 'SMI on OS Ownership Enable'    to '1b' after S3/S4->Resume, there is a possibility that the host    driver cannot obtain Ownership and Device Manage shows the yellow bang    for USB 3.0 Host Controller.     In order to solve this issue, we modified the host driver to set    'HC BIOS Owned Semaphore' bit to '0b' forcibly if 'HCHalted' bit of    USBSTS register is '1b'.    1-5.There is a possibility that BSOD occurs when users connect the xHCI    Backwards Compatibility Tree to USB 3.0 Host Controller and operate all    the devices in the xHCI Backwards Compatibility Tree and uninstall USB    3.0 Host Controller in Device Manager.
    ##Note##    This issue only occurs on Windows XP. We have never seen this issue on    Windows Vista/7/Server2008R2.
1-6.There is a possibility that BSOD occurs when the upper or lower filter    driver is installed to USB 3.0 Host Controller driver and the xHCI    Backwards Compatibility Tree is connected to USB 3.0 Host Controller.
1-7.There is a possibility that BSOD occurs when the xHCI Backwards    Compatibility Tree is connected to USB 3.0 Host Controller and    operating all devices and a setting of a ISO device application is    changed on enabling the driver verifier.    1-8.A specific USB 3.0 Flash device isn't detected when a specific USB 3.0    Hub, which has the USB 3.0 Flash device connected, is connected to the    USB 3.0 Host Controller.
1-9.There is a possibility that BSOD occurs when more than one device with    the same VID/PID and serial number is connected at the same time on    enabling the driver verifier.
1-10.There is a possibility of BSOD when Hot plug operation is done with    the xHCI Backwards Comptibility Tree.
[2. Solved interoperability issue caused by function driver] 2-1.A specific web camera does not work by using the specific function    driver. This function driver sets the bad Frame Number when the    function driver starts the ISO transfer request.
2-2.There is a possibility that BSOD occurs if a function driver behaves
   as causing a conflict between a transfer request and cancelling the    transfer for the same endpoint. We have never seen these drivers.    [3. Add function] 3-1.Added the registry of SymbolicName when a device is connected.

Submitted On:
13 Apr 2016
File Size:
10 142 928 octets
File Version: WHQL
File Author:
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