Broadcom Bluetooth 2070/20702 Drivers Version


Submitted On:
22 Sep 2015

Date & Version: 07/14/2015,

Sous: Windows 8.1/10 (32/64)


BRCM20702.DeviceDesc=                           'Broadcom BCM20702 Bluetooth 4.0 USB Device'
BRCM20702Combo.DeviceDesc=                      'Broadcom BCM20702 Bluetooth 4.0 +HS USB Device'
BRCMBt40USB.DeviceDesc=                         'Broadcom Bluetooth 4.0 USB'
BRCMBt40.DeviceDesc=                             'Broadcom Bluetooth 4.0'
BRCM20702BtUsb.DeviceDesc=                      'Broadcom BCM20702 Bluetooth USB Device'
BRCM4335BtUsb.DeviceDesc=                       'BCM4335 Bluetooth 4.0 +HS USB Device'
BtUSB.DeviceDesc=                               'Bluetooth USB module'
AzBtModule.DeviceDesc=                          'Bluetooth Module'
HP20702A1.DeviceDesc=                           'Broadcom 20702 Bluetooth 4.0 Adapter'
HP20702.DeviceDesc=                             'Broadcom Bluetooth 4.0 Adapter'
BRCM20702Thinkpad.DeviceDesc=                   'ThinkPad Bluetooth 4.0'
BRCM20702Generic.DeviceDesc=                    'Broadcom BCM20702 Bluetooth USB Device'
BRCM43142BtUsb.DeviceDesc=                      'BCM43142 Bluetooth 4.0 +HS USB Device'
BRCM43142BtAdapter.DeviceDesc=                  'BCM43142 Bluetooth Adapter'
BRCM43142BtUsbhp.DeviceDesc=                    'Broadcom 43142 Bluetooth 4.0 Adapter'
BRCM43142.DeviceDesc=                           'Broadcom Bluetooth 4.0 USB Device'
BRCM43162BtUsb.DeviceDesc=                      'BCM43162 Bluetooth 4.0 +HS USB Device'
Dell1704.DeviceDesc=                            'Dell Wireless 1704 Bluetooth v4.0+HS'
AsusTrust.DeviceDesc=                           'Trust Bluetooth 4.0 Adapter'
DellDW380.DeviceDesc=                           'Dell Wireless 380 Bluetooth 4.0 Module'
DW1550.DeviceDesc=                              'DW1550 Bluetooth 4.0 LE'
DellDW1708.DeviceDesc=                          'Dell Wireless 1708 Bluetooth 4.0 LE Device'
AsusBT400.DeviceDesc=                           'ASUS USB-BT400'
Belkin.DeviceDesc=                              'Belkin Bluetooth 4.0 USB Adapter'
BRCM43162Combo.DeviceDesc=                      'Broadcom Bluetooth 4.0 USB Device'
BRCMHPBlackbird.DeviceDesc=                     'Broadcom 43162 Bluetooth 4.0 Adapter'
DellDW1560.DeviceDesc=                          'DW1560 Bluetooth 4.0 LE' 
DW1830.DeviceDesc=                              'Dell Wireless 1830 Bluetooth 4.1 LE' 
BRCM20702B0.DeviceDesc=                         'Micro size USB to Bluetooth Dongle'
BRCM20703.DeviceDesc=                           'BCM20703 Bluetooth 4.1 USB Device'
BRCM4356.DeviceDesc=                            'BCM4356 Bluetooth 4.0 +HS USB Device'
BrcmBt41.DeviceDesc=                            'Broadcom Bluetooth 4.1 USB'
DW1820.DeviceDesc=                              'Dell Wireless 1820A Bluetooth 4.1 LE'
BRCM640D.DeviceDesc=                            'Broadcom Bluetooth 4.0 USB Device'

Submitted On:
22 Sep 2015
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172 713 339 octets
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