Qualcomm/Atheros Wireless Lan Drivers Version WHQL

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Submitted On:
06 Jan 2017
  • Date & Version du drivers: 11/24/2016,
  • WHQL: oui
  • Officiel: non
  • Sous: Windows 7/8/8.1/10
  • Systemes: 32bits & 64bits (X86 & X64)
  • Pack Version:
  • Pour:
  • ATHR.DeviceDesc.001A         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5005G Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.001B         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5006X Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.1030         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5002G Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.2030         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5002G Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.1031         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5002X Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.2031         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5002X Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.1041         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5004G Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.2041         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5004G Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.1042         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5004X Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.2042         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5004X Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.1051         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5005GS Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.2051         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5005GS Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.1053         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5005GS Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.2053         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5005GS Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.1061         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5006GS Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.2061         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5006GS Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.1062         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5006XS Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.2062         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5006XS Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.1065         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5006G Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.2065         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5006G Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.3061         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5006EGS Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.3062         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5006EXS Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.3063         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5006EX Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.3065         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5006EG Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.2055         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5007G Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.3067         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5007EG Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.1071         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5008 Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.3072         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5008X Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.3091         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR928X Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.2091         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR922X Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.30A1         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.30ABLT       = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR9002WB-1NG Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.30AB         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR9002WB-1NG Wireless Network Adapter #1' ATHR.DeviceDesc.30AD         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR9002WB-1NG Wireless Network Adapter #2' ATHR.DeviceDesc.2A371A3B     = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR9002WB Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.30AE         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5008WB-EG Wireless Network Adapter #1' ATHR.DeviceDesc.30AF         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5008WB-EG Wireless Network Adapter #2' ATHR.DeviceDesc.30A7         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR2427 Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.10CF         = 'IEEE 802.11a/g Wireless LAN Adapter (A)' ATHR.DeviceDesc.1737_g       = 'Linksys Wireless-G Notebook Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.1737_bg      = 'Linksys Wireless A+G Notebook Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.1737_abg     = 'Linksys Wireless A+G PCI Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.0044         = 'Linksys Dual-Band Wireless A+G PCI Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.1013         = '11b/g Wireless LAN Mini PCI Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.2013         = '11a/b/g Wireless LAN Mini PCI Adapter II' ATHR.DeviceDesc.3013         = '11b/g Wireless LAN Mini PCI Express Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.4013         = '11a/b/g Wireless LAN Mini PCI Express Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.5013         = '11b/g Wireless LAN Mini PCI Express Adapter II' ATHR.DeviceDesc.6013         = '11b/g Wireless LAN Mini PCI Express Adapter III' ATHR.DeviceDesc.0032168c     = '11b/g/n Wireless LAN Mini-PCI Express Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.0033168c     = '11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Mini-PCI Express Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.90001385     = 'NETGEAR WN711 RangeMax Wireless-N Expresscard Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.4B001385     = 'NETGEAR 108 Mbps Wireless PC Card WG511T' ATHR.DeviceDesc.5D001385     = 'NETGEAR RangeMax(TM) Wireless PC Card WPN511' ATHR.DeviceDesc.4D001385     = 'NETGEAR 108 Mbps Wireless PCI Adapter WG311T' ATHR.DeviceDesc.4F001385     = 'NETGEAR Double 108 Mbps Wireless PC Card WG511U' ATHR.DeviceDesc.04061468     = 'LAN-Express AS IEEE 802.11g miniPCI Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.04071468     = 'LAN-Express AS IEEE 802.11a/g miniPCI Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.04231468     = 'LAN-Express AS IEEE 802.11g PCI-E Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.F6D3000      = 'Belkin Wireless A/G Desktop Network Card' ATHR.DeviceDesc.80111799     = 'Belkin N1 Wireless Notebook Card' ATHR.DeviceDesc.G650         = 'D-Link AirPlus DWL-G650 Wireless Cardbus Adapter(rev.C)' ATHR.DeviceDesc.G520X        = 'D-Link AirPlus Xtreme G DWL-G520 Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.G520         = 'D-Link AirPlus DWL-G520 Wireless PCI Adapter(rev.B)' ATHR.DeviceDesc.AG520        = 'D-Link AirXpert DWL-AG520 Wireless PCI Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.AG530        = 'D-Link AirPremier DWL-AG530 Wireless PCI Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.G630         = 'D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G630 Wireless Cardbus Adapter(rev.D)' ATHR.DeviceDesc.G510         = 'D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G510 Wireless PCI Adapter(rev.B)' ATHR.DeviceDesc.AG650        = 'D-Link AirXpert DWL-AG650 Wireless Cardbus Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.AG660        = 'D-Link AirPremier DWL-AG660 Wireless Cardbus Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.G680         = 'D-Link AirPremier DWL-G680 Wireless Cardbus Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.G550         = 'D-Link AirPremier DWL-G550 Wireless PCI Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.AG660B       = 'D-Link AirPremier AG DWL-AG660 Wireless Cardbus Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.AG530B       = 'D-Link AirPremier AG DWL-AG530 Wireless PCI Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.G650P        = 'D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G650+A Wireless Cardbus Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.G520P        = 'D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G520+A Wireless PCI Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.WDA1320      = 'D-Link WDA-1320 Desktop Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.WDA2320      = 'D-Link WDA-2320 Desktop Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.DWA520       = 'D-Link Wireless 108G DWA-520 Desktop Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.DWA620       = 'D-Link Wireless 108G DWA-620 Notebook Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.CWNA2330     = 'D-Link WNA-2330 Notebook Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.CWNA1330     = 'D-Link WNA-1330 Notebook Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.CG650        = 'D-Link AirPlus Xtreme G DWL-G650 Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.CG630        = 'D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G630 Wireless Cardbus Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.DWA642       = 'D-Link DWA-642 RangeBooster N Notebook Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.DWA645       = 'D-Link DWA-645 RangeBooster N650 Notebook Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.DWA542       = 'D-Link DWA-542 RangeBooster N Desktop Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.DWA547       = 'D-Link DWA-547 RangeBooster N650 Desktop Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.DWA652       = 'D-Link DWA-652 XtremeN Notebook Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.DWA552       = 'D-Link DWA-552 XtremeN Desktop Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.DWA643       = 'D-Link DWA-643 Xtreme N ExpressCard Notebook Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.DWA556       = 'D-Link DWA-556 Xtreme N PCIe Desktop Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.3070         = 'Gigaset PC Card 108' ATHR.DeviceDesc.3071         = 'Speedport Gigaset 54 Mbit' ATHR.DeviceDesc.800118CB     = 'Gigaset PC Card 300' ATIWC.DeviceDesc.ATICB       = 'Allied Telesyn AT-WCC201g Wireless Card Bus Adapter' ATIWC.DeviceDesc.ATIPC       = 'Allied Telesyn AT-WCP201g Wireless PCI Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.2A5F103C     = 'Foxconn 802.11 a/b/g/n Wireless System Adaptor' ATHR.DeviceDesc.500011AD     = 'HP 802.11a/b/g Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.500111AD     = 'HP 802.11b/g Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.1000168c     = 'Qualcomm Atheros 802.11 a/b/g/n Dualband Wireless Network Module' GIGA.DeviceDesc.E914         = 'Gigabyte GN-WI03N (mini) PCI WLAN Card' GIGA.DeviceDesc.E915         = 'Gigabyte GN-WP02N PCI Express WLAN Card' GIGA.DeviceDesc.E916         = 'Gigabyte GN-WI06N (mini) PCI Express WLAN Card' GIGA.DeviceDesc.E815         = 'Gigabyte GN-WM02N Express WLAN Card' GIGA.DeviceDesc.E801         = 'Gigabyte GN-WLMA102 Cardbus WLAN Card' GIGA.DeviceDesc.E811         = 'Gigabyte GN-WMAG Cardbus WLAN Card' GIGA.DeviceDesc.E814         = 'Gigabyte GN-WM01GT Cardbus WLAN Card' GIGA.DeviceDesc.0013         = 'Gigabyte GN-WIAH (mini) PCI WLAN Card' GIGA.DeviceDesc.E901         = 'Gigabyte GN-WI01HT (mini) PCI WLAN Card' GIGA.DeviceDesc.E911         = 'Gigabyte GN-WIAG/GN-WPEAG (mini) PCI WLAN Card' GIGA.DeviceDesc.E912         = 'Gigabyte GN-WP01GT (mini) PCI WLAN Card' GIGA.DeviceDesc.E913         = 'Gigabyte GN-WI01GT (mini) PCI-E WLAN Card' GIGA.DeviceDesc.E917         = 'Gigabyte GN-WI07HT (mini) PCI-E WLAN Card' GIGA.DeviceDesc.E918         = 'Gigabyte GN-WS50G (mini) PCI-E WLAN Card' GIGA.DeviceDesc.E9191458     = 'Gigabyte GN-WS53HN Wireless LAN Mini PCI Express Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.7141144F     = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR9281 Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.7136144F     = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR9280 Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.E006105B     = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5B91 Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.655211AD     = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5B92 Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.CM9          = 'WNC CM9 Wireless LAN mini-PCI Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.1ACE         = 'TP-LINK Wireless N Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.00341B0A     = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR9281 802.11b/g/n WLAN HMC Network' ATHR.DeviceDesc.2063         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5006 802.11a/b/g WiFi Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.3096         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5009 802.11a/g/n WiFi Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.5E001385     = 'NETGEAR WPN311 RangeMax(TM) Wireless PCI Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.0036         = '11b/g/n Wireless LAN Mini-PCI Express Adapter II' ATHR.DeviceDesc.0037         = '11b/g/n Wireless LAN Mini-PCI Express Adapter III' ATHR.DeviceDesc.309917AA     = '11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.7163144F     = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR9283 Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.E01F105B     = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5B93 Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.663111AD     = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5B95 Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.660311AD     = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5B97 Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.661711AD     = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5B125 Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.E04A105B     = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5B116 Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.661811AD     = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5BWB225 Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.E051105B     = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5BMD225 Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.311711AD     = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5BWB222 Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.E059105B     = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5BMD222 Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.E086105B     = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5BNFA222 Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.30A4         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR9287 Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.2099         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR9227 Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.D05B10FC     = 'I-O DATA WHG-AGDN/CB Wireless LAN Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.30B0         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR9002WB-2NG Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.ospsim       = 'Qualcomm Atheros Osprey Simulation Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.ospemu       = 'Qualcomm Atheros Osprey Emulation Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.osprey       = 'Qualcomm Atheros Osprey Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.938x         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR938x Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.9485         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR9485 Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.1111         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR1111 Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.9580         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR9580 Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.3119         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR9485WB-EG Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.D3067        = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5007 802.11b/g WiFi Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.D30A1        = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.D30AB        = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.0300T        = 'TP-LINK 300Mbps Wireless N Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.0301T        = 'TP-LINK 150Mbps Wireless N Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.3B001106     = 'VIA 802.11b/g/n PCIe Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.00231931     = 'Option GTM67x PCIe WiFi Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.11951A3B     = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR1111 Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.21001A3B     = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR1111 WB-EG Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.H3067        = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5007 802.11b/g WiFi Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.H2063        = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5006 802.11a/b/g WiFi Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.H3096        = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5009 802.11a/g/n WiFi Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.H30A1        = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.H30AB        = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.H30A4        = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR9287 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.H3197        = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR9287 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.H3116        = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR9382 802.11a/g/n WiFi Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.H3112        = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR9380 802.11a/g/n WiFi Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.H3119        = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR9485 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.H3118        = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR9485 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.946x         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR946x Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.H3335        = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR9462 802.11a/b/g/n WiFi Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.956x         = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR956x Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.H9565        = 'Qualcomm Atheros QCA9565 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.E031105B     = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR5B195 Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.E068105B     = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR956x Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.302617AA     = 'Qualcomm Atheros AR956x Wireless Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.DWA566       = 'D-Link DWA-566 Wireless N 300 Dual Band PCIe Desktop Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.TEW726       = 'TRENDnet N600 Wireless Dual Band PCIe Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.k1102        = 'Killer Wireless-N 1102 Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.k1103        = 'Killer Wireless-N 1103 Network Adapter' ATHR.DeviceDesc.k1202        = 'Killer Wireless-N 1202 Network Adapter'
  • Release note : non
  • Langues: Multi: oui
  • English (United States), Japanese, Arabic (Saudi Arabia), Basque, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (PRC), Chinese (Taiwan), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch (Netherlands), Finnish, French (Canada), French (France) German (Germany), Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian (Italy), Korean, Norwegian (Bokmal), Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Serbian (Cyrillic), Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish (Traditional Sort), Swedish, Thai, Turkish
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Submitted On:
06 Jan 2017
File Size:
43 251 115 octets
File Version: WHQL
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