Information! Hello everyone, Station-Drivers will change servers between July 27th & 30th for a more powerful and faster server, thus avoiding the slowdowns you are experiencing. The site may be inaccessible 24H during the transition, still sorry for the inconvenience.

A big thank you to those who allowed me to change servers with their donations (list of donors)

Question Realtek PCI-E Ethernet (LAN) Drivers For Windows 7-11

Replied by erpster96 on topic Realtek PCI-E Ethernet (LAN) Drivers For Windows 7-11

Posted 3 个月 2 周 � #2726

This is just repacked with no-power-savings Realtek GbE LAN driver NDIS Win10 type
filename: rt640x64sta.inf

Signature   = "$Windows NT$"
Class       = Net
ClassGUID   = {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
Provider    = %Realtek%
PnpLockDown = 1
DriverVer   = 11/21/2023,10.069.1119.2023
CatalogFile =

HKR,Ndi\params\PowerSavingMode,    ParamDesc,  0, %PowerSavingMode%
HKR,Ndi\params\PowerSavingMode,    default,    0, "0"
HKR,Ndi\params\PowerSavingMode,    type,       0, "enum"
HKR,Ndi\params\PowerSavingMode\enum,   "0",    0, %Disabled%
HKR,Ndi\params\PowerSavingMode\enum,   "1",    0, %Enabled%


Windows 10/11 > [10.069.1119.2023] driver from Hewlett-Packard (posted 4/10/2024)
{ sp151913 - release notes }
-for Victus by HP 16.1 inch Gaming Laptop; now this other package has the rt640x64.inf file instead of rt640x64sta.inf and is for a certain HP laptop pc rather than for HP desktop pcs
Last Edit:3 个月 2 周 � erpster96
Last edit: 3 个月 2 周 � by erpster96.
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Replied by erpster96 on topic Realtek PCI-E Ethernet (LAN) Drivers For Windows 7-11

Posted 3 个月 14 �时 � #2804
Windows 10/11 > [10.069.1119.2023] driver {late Feb. 2024 release} from Asrock (posted 4/19/2024)
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Replied by Tom on topic Realtek PCI-E Ethernet (LAN) Drivers For Windows 7-11

Posted 2 个月 3 周 � #2812
New Realtek PCI-E Ethernet Family Drivers, released April 29, 2024, dated March 10, 2024

No direct links anymore for Windows 10/11, uploaded the drivers to Mega

Windows 11 v11018: (No power-saving support)
Windows 11 v11018: (Power-saving support)
Windows 10 v10071: (No power-saving support)
Windows 10 v10071: (Power-saving support)
Windows 8 v8100: (v11042022)
Windows 7 v7154: (v11022022)

Difference in the registry entries:
No power-saving support:
- HKR,Ndi\params\PowerSavingMode,    Default,    0, "0"
- HKR,,PowerSavingMode,0,"0" (Power-saving disabled)
- HKR,Ndi\params\*IdleRestriction,        Default,    0, "1"
- HKR,,*IdleRestriction,0,"1" (Idle Restrictions enabled)

Power-saving support:
- HKR,Ndi\params\PowerSavingMode,    Default,    0, "1"
- HKR,,PowerSavingMode,0,"1" (Power-saving enabled)
- HKR,Ndi\params\*IdleRestriction,        Default,    0, "0"
- HKR,,*IdleRestriction,0,"0" (Idle Restrictions disabled)


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Replied by Shonk on topic Realtek PCI-E Ethernet (LAN) Drivers For Windows 7-11

Posted 2 个月 3 周 � #2813
Finally a new win10 driver

DriverVer = 03/12/2024,10.071.0312.2024

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Replied by erpster96 on topic Realtek PCI-E Ethernet (LAN) Drivers For Windows 7-11

Posted 2 个月 3 周 � #2814

Shonk 写�:: Finally a new win10 driver

DriverVer  = 03/12/2024,10.071.0312.2024

yes for win10 only.  just the win10 only driver packs have the new 10.071 version.
too bad the 10.071 driver version is not yet included for the win11 driver packages
(they still have the older 10.069 version for older ethernet/lan adapters)
Last Edit:2 个月 3 周 � erpster96
Last edit: 2 个月 3 周 � by erpster96.

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