--- SURVEY Are you satisfied with the S-D site? ---

Hello to all of you and thank you again for your loyalty,
Today I want to know if you are satisfied with the site since the change of the server and some touch-ups of the color and the change of the theme of the Forum.
Of course I am aware that there may still be work to do but the biggest part is done
Thank you for your answers

Foro Kunena - Creditos del Equipo


Kunena® Forum is an open source project that requires the dedication and investment of personal time from various contributors. This version has been made possible by the following contributors :

Florian Dal Fitto

Jelle Kok
Desarrollo y Diseño

Richard Binder
Moderador de Foro y Testeo

Matias Griese

Oliver Ratzesberger


The Kunena Team would like to thank the community for its help and support. We also appreciate the hard work of everyone who have translated Kunena into many other languages. In addition we would like to thank many members of www.kunena.org, past and present, who have contributed and helped make this a more stable and bugfree version.

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