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Hello to all of you and thank you again for your loyalty,
Today I want to know if you are satisfied with the site since the change of the server and some touch-ups of the color and the change of the theme of the Forum.
Of course I am aware that there may still be work to do but the biggest part is done
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ssd Asmedia ASM-2362 NVMe/USB 3.1 Controller firmware Version 201012_91_00_00

Re: Asmedia ASM-2362 NVMe/USB 3.1 Controller firmware Version 201012_91_00_00

6 meses 6 días antes - 6 meses 6 días antes
My ASM2364 ORCIO Hub, M2PVC3-G20 ... won't be recognized by MPtool.

About a month late replying to this, I was about to update the firmware of a similar enclosure of mine (Orico M2PAC3-G20, ASM2364, no fan) when I saw your post.

I had no problem getting it recognized, both and versions of the utility do and based on the firmware reader output you posted it seems they both shipped with the same revision. Do you still have that dump around? I am curious if they also used the same settings for that enclosure.

Two things you could try (if you haven't yet): connecting the adapter alone, without any disk installed in it, or shorting pins #1 and #8 of the flash chip (with some tweezers for example) before connecting it to the computer. This is the pinout for the Puya P25Q40SH, others are alike:

For completeness, these were my defaults:

00 40 13 FF 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 43 35 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 41 73 6D 65 64 69 61 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 41 53 4D 54 FF FF FF FF 41 53 4D 32 33 36 58 20 73 65 72 69 65 73 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 41 53 4D 32 33 36 58 20 4E 56 4D 45 FF FF FF FF 4C 17 64 23 00 01 C3 FF 02 FF 5A B3


Serial Number: C5
EP0 (USB) manufacturer string: Asmedia
EP0 (USB) product string: ASM236X series
SCSI manufacturer string: ASTM
SCSI product string: ASM236X NVME
Idle timer set to 10 minutes.

Updating to the new revision was OK, however I couldn't get it to honor the idle timer, the programming tool sets to disabled unconditionally (0xCF) regardless of the setting in the INI. I could probably reprogram the flash chip manually to change those values, even if I don't know how that checksum byte is calculated, it seems to be linearly related to the preceding bytes so it could be adjusted. Also, the setting to have details populated based on the SSD that's plugged in are ignored as well, what a shame.

I wish there were more dumps around from the various manufacturers using different bridges, having access to datasheets is a tall order, but more details about it all would be nice.
Última Edición: 6 meses 6 días antes por aphanic.

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Re: Asmedia ASM-2362 NVMe/USB 3.1 Controller firmware Version 201012_91_00_00

6 meses 6 días antes - 6 meses 6 días antes
You have to manually set the idle timer before programming in the flasher
it ignores the ini for some reason

the firmware is in previous posts i also mention the idle timer

Última Edición: 6 meses 6 días antes por Shonk.
El siguiente usuario dijo gracias: aphanic

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Re: Asmedia ASM-2362 NVMe/USB 3.1 Controller firmware Version 201012_91_00_00

6 meses 2 días antes
Thanks! For whatever reason I failed to notice it or be aware of it, even though I remember you mentioning it 🤦🏻‍♂️

It does indeed work, just made the change 🙂

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Re: Asmedia ASM-2362 NVMe/USB 3.1 Controller firmware Version 201012_91_00_00

5 meses 4 semanas antes - 5 meses 4 semanas antes

I think about the Samget enclosure (ASM2364) from Ali. Is there already the newest firmware installed? What about the temps? Does the enclorure run very hot, because of the 20 Gbps?
Última Edición: 5 meses 4 semanas antes por ole258.

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Re: Asmedia ASM-2362 NVMe/USB 3.1 Controller firmware Version 201012_91_00_00

5 meses 4 semanas antes
yes they come with the latest firmware
it gets warm but its fine
its an aluminum enclosure so it pulls the heat out
El siguiente usuario dijo gracias: ole258

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