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audio Question Realtek HDA/UAD/Component Drivers

Réponse de ex58 sur le sujet Realtek HDA/UAD/Component Drivers

Posted il y a 5 mois 1 semaine #2444
How about.....Realtek UAD Driver 6.0.9626.1 WHQL...MS Update
Last Edit:il y a 5 mois 1 semaine par ex58
Dernière édition: il y a 5 mois 1 semaine par ex58.
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: fikotr74, westlake

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Réponse de erpster96 sur le sujet Realtek HDA/UAD/Component Drivers

Posted il y a 5 mois 1 semaine #2447

Realtek HD Audio 6.0.9622.1 (full, Microsoft Update Catalog)

v6.0.9622.1 UAD drivers from MS Update (all oem 9622 posted 2/15/2024, Sixunited/Dynabook 9622 posted 2/16/2024)

{ direct cab download to 9622 all oem driver - size 12.2Mb}
{ direct cab download to 9622 sixunited/dynabook driver - size 11.5Mb}

How about.....Realtek UAD Driver 6.0.9626.1 WHQL...MS Update

6.0.9626.1 from MS update is currently for Quanta Computer Inc. / Acer only; no "all oem" 9626 12.x Mb size driver from MS wasn't available at that time.
sometimes oem specific driver is released first before "all oem" driver

as I said several days ago about 6.0.9626.1 from MS Update, I will edit/modify that older post to list an "all oem" 9626 version when it becomes available (sometimes it could be released late)

edit 2/18 - 6.0.9626.1 all oem driver posted Sunday morning Feb. 18 on MS Update - download size 12.2Mb
Last Edit:il y a 5 mois 1 semaine par erpster96
Dernière édition: il y a 5 mois 1 semaine par erpster96.

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Réponse de erpster96 sur le sujet Realtek HDA/UAD/Component Drivers

Posted il y a 5 mois 1 semaine #2456

v6.0.9632.1 UAD Acer {NB/laptop} driver + Intel HDASST driver from Acer (posted 2/05/2024)


more 6.0.9632.1 UAD Acer driver downloads coming from Acer {new downloads released 2/15/2024}
{ 6.0.9632.1 UAD Acer download 1 , UAD driver only - has HDXACPAcer.inf, HDXSSTACERNB.inf & HDX_AcerExt_XPERI4_RTK_Gen4.inf files, Intel HDASST bus driver not included}
{ 6.0.9632.1 UAD Acer download 2 , UAD driver + Intel HDASST driver - has HDXSSTACERNB.inf & HDX_AcerExt_XPERI4_RTK_Gen4.inf files}

v6.0.9629.1 UAD drivers from MS Update (K-tronics {hdxsstboe.inf} 9629 driver posted 2/19/2024, all oem 9629 driver posted 2/22/2024, asus 9629 driver posted 2/27/2024)

{ direct cab download to 9629 HDXSSTBOE.inf driver - size 11.5Mb}
{ direct cab download to 9629 all oem driver - size 12.2Mb}
{ direct cab download to 9629 asus driver - size 11.7Mb}

edit 2/22 - added link to 9629 all oem driver from ms
edit 2nd time 2/29/2024 - added link to 9629 asus driver from ms
Last Edit:il y a 4 mois 3 semaines par erpster96
Dernière édition: il y a 4 mois 3 semaines par erpster96.
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Ataemonus

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Réponse de erpster96 sur le sujet Realtek HDA/UAD/Component Drivers

Posted il y a 5 mois 3 jours #2471
v6.0.9629.1 UAD MSI {NB/laptop} driver from Microstar International [MSI] (posted 2/23/2024)
-slightly different than the 6.0.9629.1 MSI {motherboard} driver package released late January 2024

v6.0.9626.1 UAD Pegatron {desktop pc} driver from  Epson Japan  (posted 2/19/2024)

v6.0.9622.1 UAD Dynabook {NB/laptop} drivers {full packages including Realtek device extension inf files} from Dynabook (posted 2/21/2024)
{ download 1 - has only Realtek APO2 drivers}  { download 2 - this one has both Realtek APO1 & APO2 drivers}

v6.0.9621.1 UAD Dell A07 {NB/laptop} driver + Intel HDASST driver + Waves Maxxaudio SWC driver from Dell (posted 2/20/2024)

v6.0.9614.1 UAD Clevo driver + Intel HDASST driver from Sager Notebook (posted 2/22/2024)


Creative Audio Effects APO v2.3.31.0 driver from Sager Notebook [Win11 only]

edit 2/24
Last Edit:il y a 5 mois 2 jours par erpster96
Dernière édition: il y a 5 mois 2 jours par erpster96.

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Réponse de MichelN86 sur le sujet Realtek HDA/UAD/Component Drivers

Posted il y a 5 mois 2 jours #2477
Realtek Audio 6.0.9632.1 UAD (深圳市索沃思数码有限公司):

Realtek Audio 6.0.9632.1 UAD (Quanta Computer Inc.):

Realtek Audio Universal Service - 1.0.708.0 & Realtek Hardware Support Application - 11.0.6000.322

Realtek Audio Effects Component - 13.309.1165.249:
Last Edit:il y a 5 mois 14 heures par MichelN86
Dernière édition: il y a 5 mois 14 heures par MichelN86.
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Ataemonus, fikotr74

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