ssd Question Asmedia ASM-2362 NVMe/USB 3.1 Controller firmware Version 201012_91_00_00

Odd your serial number is AAAABBBB006E
I have three of these all from different sellers and they all had AAAABBBB0003

Thats the only diff

if you want to flash it just change the serial to AAAABBBB006E and 10 Mins
and it will match

36 45 is hex for 6E
66 is a hash

Last Edit:2 월 1 주 전 작성자 Shonk
Last edit: 2 월 1 주 전 by Shonk.
The following user(s) said Thank You: spike_V_sky

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How can I correctly identify the Vendor ID, Product ID, and Device Revision?

Are the relative path used in the FW and Preload fields correct or do you need absolute path?
작성자 spike_V_sky

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The only difference of your Nvram is your serial number is AAAABBBB006E
so it's 174C 2362 0100

but if you want to confirm you can see it here

The path's are fine if there is a problem it will say so when you click update

All you need to do is Click the Padlock password = asmedia

Change the serial number to AAAABBBB006E
Idle Timer 10 Mins

Last Edit:2 월 1 주 전 작성자 Shonk
Last edit: 2 월 1 주 전 by Shonk.
The following user(s) said Thank You: spike_V_sky

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