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To thank you for the work done and to allow me to continue my passion, thank you for your donations, even small ones😉


--- SURVEY Are you satisfied with the S-D site? ---

Hello to all of you and thank you again for your loyalty,
Today I want to know if you are satisfied with the site since the change of the server and some touch-ups of the color and the change of the theme of the Forum.
Of course I am aware that there may still be work to do but the biggest part is done
Thank you for your answers

Intel® Killer™ Performance Suite v34.23.xxxx

  • Tom
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Intel® Killer™ Performance Suite v34.23.xxxx

1 ano 6 meses atrás
Intel released on August 1, 2023 v34.23.7168 of the Intel® Killer™ Performance Suite.
The software release installs the Windows® 10 and Windows 11* Wi-Fi, Ethernet drivers and Killer Networking Software for the following Intel® Killer products:
  • for Intel® Killer™ 1550, AX1650, AX1675
  • (Windows 10), (Windows 11) for Intel® Killer™ E3100
  • 10.065.0421.2023 (Windows 10), 1126.013.0424.2023 (Windows 11) for Intel® Killer™ E5000
  • 10.065.0421.2023 (Windows 10), 1125.013.0424.2023 (Windows 11) for Intel® Killer™ E3000, E3100G
  • 10.065.0421.2023 (Windows 10), 1168.013.0424.2023 (Windows 11) for Intel® Killer™ E2500v2, E2600
  • 3.1423.712.2 for Killer Networking Software
Info & Download: www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/download...rformance-suite.html
Direct Download: downloadmirror.intel.com/785179/KillerPe...7168_Win10-11x64.exe
Release Notes: downloadmirror.intel.com/785179/KillerPe...Suite_34.23.7168.pdf

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  • timse201
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Re: Intel® Killer™ Performance Suite v34.23.xxxx

1 ano 2 meses atrás
Intel has released v35.23.842 of the Intel® Killer™ Performance Suite.
The software release installs the Windows® 10 and Windows 11* Wi-Fi, Ethernet drivers and Killer Networking Software for the following Intel® Killer products:
  • for Intel® Killer™ 1550, AX1650, AX1675
  • (Windows 10), (Windows 11) for Intel® Killer™ E3100
  • 10.68.815.2023 (Windows 10), 1126.15.717.2023 (Windows 11) for Intel® Killer™ E5000
  • 10.68.815.2023 (Windows 10), 1125.15.717.2023 (Windows 11) for Intel® Killer™ E3000, E3100G
  • 10.68.815.2023 (Windows 10), 1168.15.717.2023 (Windows 11) for Intel® Killer™ E2500v2, E2600
  • 3.1523.831.1 for Killer Networking Software
Info & Download:  www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/download...rformance-suite.html
Direct Download:  downloadmirror.intel.com/794919/KillerPe...842_Win10-11_x64.exe
Release Notes:  downloadmirror.intel.com/794919/KillerPe...eSuite_35.23.842.pdf
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  • timse201
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Re: Intel® Killer™ Performance Suite v34.23.xxxx

1 ano 2 meses atrás
Intel has released v35.23.1292 of the Intel® Killer™ Performance Suite.
The software release installs the Windows® 10 and Windows 11* Wi-Fi, Ethernet drivers and Killer Networking Software for the following Intel® Killer products:
  • for Intel® Killer™ 1550, AX1650, AX1675, AX 1690
  • (Windows 10), (Windows 11) for Intel® Killer™ E3100
  • 10.68.815.2023 (Windows 10), 1126.016.1123.2023 (Windows 11) for Intel® Killer™ E5000
  • 10.68.815.2023 (Windows 10), 1125.15.717.2023 (Windows 11) for Intel® Killer™ E3000, E3100G
  • 10.68.815.2023 (Windows 10), 1168.15.717.2023 (Windows 11) for Intel® Killer™ E2500v2, E2600
  • 3.1523.1205.1 for Killer Networking Software

Info & Download:  www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/download...rformance-suite.html
Direct Download:  downloadmirror.intel.com/813202/KillerPe...1292_Win10-11x64.exe
Release Notes:  downloadmirror.intel.com/813202/KillerPe...Suite_35.23.1292.pdf
Os seguintes utilizadores Agradeceram: Ataemonus

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