--- SURVEY Are you satisfied with the S-D site? ---
Hello to all of you and thank you again for your loyalty,
Today I want to know if you are satisfied with the site since the change of the server and some touch-ups of the color and the change of the theme of the Forum.
Of course I am aware that there may still be work to do but the biggest part is done
Thank you for your answers
new RtPGTool Version?
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new RtPGTool Version?
acum 1 lună 1 zi - acum 1 lună 1 zidoes someone have a newer version than the one from 2019?
Because i do get this error
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- QuadDamage
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Re: new RtPGTool Version?
acum 1 lună 16 ore - acum 1 lună 16 orecdck-file-uploads-us1.s3.dualstack.us-we...fe4a59453792bec9.pdf
( drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wk5m6uj9...4b2iIrnm1xjBwD5PYwMM )
There are files:
RtPGtoolUI.exe version = 2.26
x64/RTUNicPG64.exe version = 2.09
x64/RtlDirectDiagLib64.dll version =
Download and install this file DellFW_UPGRADE_DOCK_UTILITY_v1.2.zip from Dell website.
In c:\Program Files (x86)\DellDockFW_UPGRADE_UTILITY\ you will find the file Patch64.exe.
Change its name to RTUNicPG64.exe.
Copy those two files to ./x64/ folder of 2.0.9 version:
On 64bit system that tool will be now PGTOOL v2.22.2. Your NIC needs 2.12 version so you should be able to finish your job.
RtPGtoolUI.exe version = 2.26
RTUNicPG64.exe version = 2.22.2
RtlDirectDiagLib64.dll version
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Re: new RtPGTool Version?
acum 1 lună 3 oreVă rugăm Autentificare sau Crează un cont să participaţi la discuţie.
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Re: new RtPGTool Version?
acum 1 lună 1 orăVă rugăm Autentificare sau Crează un cont să participaţi la discuţie.
- QuadDamage
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Re: new RtPGTool Version?
acum 3 săptămâni 6 zile - acum 3 săptămâni 6 zileIt looks like problems with drivers. What version are you using? Try to install the latest drivers for your OS:
BTW. The package 'Realtek RTL8153 USB 3.0/Lan Controller Firmware Version 2.12' contains RTUNicPG64 v2.10.4. You probably need >=2.12 but you can try.
I can see in one of the scripts a line:
cmd.exe /C copy /Y .\RtlDirectDiagLib64.dll "C:\Windows\System32\drivers"
Try to copy that dll file to C:\Windows\System32\drivers.
And maybe the most important. Use RtPGtoolUI, not RTUNicPG64 standalone.
This is what I get when run RTUNicPG64 standalone:
But when I used RtPGtoolUI with RTUNicPG64 v2.22.2 and wrote 'start' I got:
Try different combinations of drivers from this site, The most universal is 'Realtek RTL8152B & RTL8153 AllInOne Version NC WHQL'.
PS. What device do you have? I think that you need the latest drivers for using v2.22.2 version of RTUNicPG64.
Or finding the old RTUNicPG64 v2.12...
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