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cpu Вопрос AMD Chipset Driver

Warkratos создал тему: AMD Chipset Driver

Posted 4 мес. 2 дн. назад #2548
Download from MSI (AM4, AM5)

AMDPSP v5.27.0.0 -
Major changes to this driver package include:
- Fix inf file to load driver on 1456

Last Edit:3 мес. 3 нед. назад от Warkratos
Последнее редактирование: 3 мес. 3 нед. назад пользователем admin.
Спасибо сказали: admin, fikotr74, timse201

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Alpha_Tay ответил в теме AMD Chipset Driver

Posted 4 мес. 3 ч. назад #2567
AMD Chipset Drivers WHQL [22/02/2024]

C:\AMD\Chipset_Software\Binaries\PSP Driver\WTx64\ReleaseNotes.txt

AMDPSP v5.27.0.0 -

Major changes to this driver package include:

- Fix inf file to load driver on 1456


AMD PSP Driver Install : Fail bug since AMD Chipset Drivers 14 Oct 2023

last version that doesn't have this bug was AMD Chipset Drivers WHQL [16/06/2023] AMD PSP Driver

Known Issues

AMD PSP Driver may not install on AMD Ryzen™ 2000 series processors.

от Alpha_Tay
Спасибо сказали: Chaime1970

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