chat Любимый New Intel Watchdog Timer Driver (WDT) Driver

SM-003 создал тему: New Intel Watchdog Timer Driver (WDT) Driver

Posted 8 мес. 4 нед. назад #1808
The Intel Watchdog Timer Driver (WDT) has not been updated in SD for quite some time. The last driver posted here is

Here's the link for WDT (16th May 23) from my repo
DL Mirror:  UPLOAD.EE  &  1fichier

Another newer version (4th Aug 23) already been released. If anyone has this version, can share/upload it. 

System H/W Specifications

Last Edit:8 мес. 4 нед. назад от SM-003
Последнее редактирование: 8 мес. 4 нед. назад пользователем SM-003.
Спасибо сказали: duttyend, fikotr74

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duttyend ответил в теме New Intel Watchdog Timer Driver (WDT) Driver

Posted 8 мес. 4 нед. назад #1812
Thanks! I was also thinking that it's outdated on Station Drivers.
The new driver has been posted here:
от duttyend
Спасибо сказали: SM-003

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SM-003 ответил в теме New Intel Watchdog Timer Driver (WDT) Driver

Posted 8 мес. 3 нед. назад #1825
@  admin
Can you link the two new WDT drivers into the WDT Repo?

P.S: Still no option for direct message?

System H/W Specifications

от SM-003
Спасибо сказали: duttyend, fikotr74

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