--- SURVEY Are you satisfied with the S-D site? ---

Hello to all of you and thank you again for your loyalty,
Today I want to know if you are satisfied with the site since the change of the server and some touch-ups of the color and the change of the theme of the Forum.
Of course I am aware that there may still be work to do but the biggest part is done
Thank you for your answers

New bios Asus ROG STRIX Z490-F GAMING v3201

  • wiensha
  • wiensha Profilbild Författare till inlägg
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New bios Asus ROG STRIX Z490-F GAMING v3201

1 månad 2 veckor sedan - 1 månad 2 veckor sedan

There is a new Bios available at  ROG STRIX Z490-F GAMING | Motherboards | ROG Global

Download link

Please update this Station-Drivers page:  Station-Drivers - Asus ROG STRIX Z490-F GAMING

Last edit: 1 månad 2 veckor sedan by admin.
Följande användare sa tack: admin

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