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ssd Fråga NVME USB drives Realtek RTL9210/RTL9220 Firmware Version 1.xx

Svar från sdefrwggerg i ämnet NVME USB drives Realtek RTL9210/RTL9220 Firmware Version 1.xx

Posted 8 månader 3 dagar sedan #1968

I use device RTL9210B-CG first day.
Install good NVME SSD.
The speed was only 37Mb/s in USB 3.1 port.
After Update the FW to
- RTL9210B_v1.32.87.082923_signed.bin
- RTL9210B_gd_v4.30.23.071922.bin
my device work only in USB2.0 port and not work in USB3.x ports.
Please, help me.**************************************************************
Device : [Port10] : Realtek RTL9210B-CG #0
U2PHY : n/a
U3PHY : n/a
VID : 0x0bda
PID : 0x9210
Yes, there's something wrong. You probably haven't done a dump before?
Which manufacturer is it about?
You can try this here

U2PHY = 02 f4 9b e0 e1
U3PHY = 02 d4 09 00 d5 00 80

VID : 0x0bda
PID : 0x9210
SERIAL : "012345678914"
SCSI_VENDOR : "Realtek "
LED : 0x01
PINMUX1 : 0x00000000
PINMUX2 : 0x00000000
U2_MAXPWR : 0xfa
U3_MAXPWR : 0x70
ASPMDIS : 0x00

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Svar från TonyP i ämnet NVME USB drives Realtek RTL9210/RTL9220 Firmware Version 1.xx

Posted 8 månader 2 dagar sedan #1975

U2_MAXPWR : 0xfa
U3_MAXPWR : 0x70

Can you explain to us what these parameters mean? My MD202 has U3_MAXPWR : 0x00
Last Edit:8 månader 2 dagar sedan av TonyP
Last edit: 8 månader 2 dagar sedan by TonyP.
Följande användare sa tack: djmaniac44

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Svar från djmaniac44 i ämnet NVME USB drives Realtek RTL9210/RTL9220 Firmware Version 1.xx

Posted 8 månader 1 dag sedan #1976
Have the same question. Most relevant settings are more or less clear and are documented here in the thread quite well...

But those 4 ones are still a miracle to me:

PINMUX1 : 0x00000000
PINMUX2 : 0x00000000
U2_MAXPWR : 0xfa
U3_MAXPWR : 0x70

Especially PINMUX1 and PINMUX12 are jumping from 0x0 for both to 7 somewere after the x.
I saw the 7 jumping in PINMUX1 or PINMUX2... Must be something relatted to Pin Multiplexing.

And as already said by user TonyP the U3_MAXPWR is sometimes 0x70 and sometime 0x00.

Maybe one of you experts have an better explanation regarding those values.

Thanks to all for this thread...

(...and of course I missed to dump my origianl settings  )
Last Edit:8 månader 1 dag sedan av djmaniac44
Last edit: 8 månader 1 dag sedan by djmaniac44.

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Svar från djmaniac44 i ämnet NVME USB drives Realtek RTL9210/RTL9220 Firmware Version 1.xx

Posted 8 månader 1 dag sedan #1977

2. However, config serial will not appear in WMIC - if you run wmic diskdrive get name,size,model,SerialNumber command in Windows cmd, it will still show "0000000000000000" as drive serial. It is device UUID which is not possible to be changed in firmware config, but there is a way around - you can hex edit the firmware itself. UTHSB MPTool Lite ver. or below is required - newer versions have CRC32 check for firmware file and if you try to flash modified file it will semi-brick your device (does not work but can be reflashed without shorting pins). Save somewhere original .bin as backup, open your firmware.bin (not the GD one, you don't need to touch that at all) file in hex editor and find those 16 zeros in it - for example RTL9210B 1.32.49 firmware file has them at address 00004ea0. Replace them with anything you want (just in case better keep it the same length 16 symbols so you won't break anything else in firmware). Save, choose edited firmware file in MPTool, flash. That's it - device UUID changed and WMIC will show your new UUID if you run the command. Dump from MPTool will still show UUID as "n/a" though, that is normal.sdsdsd

Thanks for that - very helpfull - That makes me think about an solution to get it work with newer/latest MPTool-Versions.

Here is the way..  All in all its about faking CRC32...

Find the original CRC32 - Use CRC32-File mode anbd drop file there.

For RTL9210B_v1.32.87.082923_signed.bin its 0f283ae4 - wee need it for the next step.

Modifiy your file as peer user exodus - Use Hex-Editor (HxD is easy to use) search (STRG-F) for 0000000000000000 and it jumps to those 16 digits.

Important - Overwrite those 16 digits - for example 1234567891234567. Then jump to the end of file and delete the last 4x FF - Yes - this will shorten the file! Normal not good but OK here.

Now use tool CRC-manipulator
github.com/rr-/CRC-manipulator/releases   ->   crcmanip-0.5.2-bin.zip   ->  crcmanip-gui.exe

Load your modified file (with new serial and with deleted 4x FF at the end) and use the former noted original CRC32 (for file RTL9210B_v1.32.87.082923_signed.bin its 0f283ae4) and patch it.

This will add back again 4 digits at the end with our fake CRC32 (0f283ae4).

This is the reason why I deleted those 4x FF at the end. FF means "nothing/emty/no Data" - I thing its better to keep the original filessize after patching...

You check this new patched file again with emn178.github.io/online-tools/crc32_checksum.html - It shows the same original CRC32 as file without Serial adjustments...

Maybe to much hassle for the benefit - But I like to dig deep and get things working! :-)

Last Edit:8 månader 1 dag sedan av djmaniac44
Last edit: 8 månader 1 dag sedan by djmaniac44.
Följande användare sa tack: sdefrwggerg

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Svar från sdefrwggerg i ämnet NVME USB drives Realtek RTL9210/RTL9220 Firmware Version 1.xx

Posted 8 månader 1 dag sedan #1978
The values differ depending on the manufacturer and what else was installed Fan, RGB Light etc..
Enable or disable U1 U2 - USB 3.0 Link Power Management
U2_MAXPWR      U 2 mode maximum power
U3_MAXPWR      U 3 mode maximum power

U1 and U2 states are designed to complement Selective Suspend, which can lead to significant power savings. After the software configures the link partners for U1 or U2 transition, the hardware...to send the link to U3... - See Microsoft Documentation

Also, note the difference between A/B firmware.
=================FW Configure=================
U2PHY=02 f4 9b e0 e1
U3PHY=02 d4 09 00 d5 00 80

is always the same in every Config file wozu der Serial Patch?

;"0123" for Dec, "0x0123" for Hex, max 12 digits
SERIAL = "012345678901"

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Last Edit:8 månader 1 dag sedan av sdefrwggerg
Last edit: 8 månader 1 dag sedan by sdefrwggerg.
Följande användare sa tack: djmaniac44

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