--- SURVEY Are you satisfied with the S-D site? ---

Hello to all of you and thank you again for your loyalty,
Today I want to know if you are satisfied with the site since the change of the server and some touch-ups of the color and the change of the theme of the Forum.
Of course I am aware that there may still be work to do but the biggest part is done
Thank you for your answers

chip Lenovo Thinkpad supervisior bios locked

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Lenovo Thinkpad supervisior bios locked

2 månader 1 vecka sedan
Hi I have ThinkPad X1 carbon 9th gen , Product Number: 20XWS06700, Bios Version: N32ET93W 1.69, Processor: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1135G7 @ 2.40GHz. Intel ME Version: 15.0, Build 2521, Hot Fix 47

​Can someone kindly show me how on remove supervisor password please . I don't have a repair shop nearby. What is the easiest way to get a bios dump of my laptop to use Lenovo autopatcher or something to get this unlocked? Thank you :)


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