--- SURVEY Are you satisfied with the S-D site? ---

Hello to all of you and thank you again for your loyalty,
Today I want to know if you are satisfied with the site since the change of the server and some touch-ups of the color and the change of the theme of the Forum.
Of course I am aware that there may still be work to do but the biggest part is done
Thank you for your answers

chip Intel Serial IO Driver Version 30.100.2413.49 WHQL

  • timse201
  • timse201 kullanıcısının avatarı Konu yazarı
  • Çevrim dışı
  • Poster 2
  • Poster 2
  • İletiler: 7
  • Thanks: 14

Intel Serial IO Driver Version 30.100.2413.49 WHQL

9 ay 22 saat önce - 9 ay 20 saat önce
Date & Version: 03/29/2024,30.100.2413.49
Chipsets: Intel(R) 500 Series Chipset Family (TigerLake)

Info & Download:
Son düzenleme: 9 ay 20 saat önce Düzenleyen:admin
Şu kullanıcı(lar) teşekkür etti: admin, Tadeo, duttyend, fikotr74

Lütfen sohbete katılmak için Giriş yap ya da Hesap açın.

Re: Intel Serial IO Driver Version 30.100.2413.49 WHQL

9 ay 17 saat önce
Thank you so much, this is great!!!
We had been 'forgotten' for a long time (latest driver version for our platform was from 2021)
Şu kullanıcı(lar) teşekkür etti: admin, fikotr74

Lütfen sohbete katılmak için Giriş yap ya da Hesap açın.

Re: Intel Serial IO Driver Version 30.100.2413.49 WHQL

3 ay 2 hafta önce
Thank you so much, this is great!!!
We had been 'forgotten' for a long time (latest driver version for our platform was from 2021)
Don't worry you won't be forgotten. Keep up the good work for the next versions!

Lütfen sohbete katılmak için Giriş yap ya da Hesap açın.

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