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Intel Management Engine (ME/AMT) Firmware Version


Submitted On:
15 Mar 2022
  • Intel Management Engine (ME) Firmware Version (S&H)(1.5 & 5Mo) update 17/05/22)
  • Origine:
  • Date & Version:  2022/01/16, (1.5 & 5Mo)
  • Type: Region Extract
  • Chipset Stepping:  CNP/CMP-H B,A
  • Region: Extracted
  • SKU: Corporate H & Corporate H
  • PMC: 300.2.11.1025
  • Release Note:
    * Security update.
    * Mitigated the following security vulnerabilities: INTEL-TA-00575 (IPU 2021.2) - CVE-2021-33107 INTEL-TA-00539 (IPU 2021.2) - CVE-2021-0161, CVE-2021-0164, CVE-2021-0165, CVE-2021-0166,CVE-2021-0168, CVE-2021-0170, CVE-2021-0174, CVE-2021-0175. * Added support of Microsoft Windows 11 OS
    * Security update.
    * Security update.
    * Resolved an issue with RCO power cycle commands.
    * Fixed a web encryption issue.
    * Resolved a system hang after rebooting when upgrading from ME FW or older.
    * Fixed a system hang during warm reset.
    * Security update.
    * Update the PMC FW to version 300.2.11.1025.
    * Security update.
    * Update the PMC FW to version 300.2.11.1024.
    * Resolved a Blue Screen after resuming from standby with device guard enabled.
    * Security update.
    * Update the PMC FW to version 300.2.11.1021.
    * Resolves a FWUpdLcl tool issue that would result in Error 0x3.
    * MEInfo now correctly reports CSME version information.
    * Security update.
    * Resolves Wake On Lan issues from Sleep, Hibernate, and Powered Off states.
    * Security update.
    * Fixes an issue where the system will fall into a reboot loop after disabling AMT.
    * Fixes an issue where CSME no longer responds after a BIOS Capsule Update while AMT is disabled.
    * Fixes an issue with MEInfo not being able to identify the Intel ME device.
    * Fixes an MEInfo issue where the wrong PCH data is reported.
    * Fixes a system hang during power transitions.
    * Fixes an issue where the WebUI is not accessible after resuming from standby/sleep.
    * Fixes a KVM black screen issue after resuming from S3.
    * Fixes an MEInfo crash when using special characters in the command line arguments.
    * Fixes yellow bang (device manager) on LAN devices after a reboot.
    * Fixes yellow bang (device manager) on the Management Engine Interface device after resuming from S3.
    * Fixes an “auto wake” issue from hibernate.
    * Fixes PKI provisioning.
    * Fixes KVM mouse movement does not wake remote screen.
    * Fixes an MEInfo issue where the wrong MAC address is being reported.
    * Fixes an issue with Intel PTT going into failure mode after a FW update.
    * Fixes AMT provisioning issues.
    * Fixes a global reset issue after enabling or disabling Intel ME in BIOS setup.
    * Update the PMC FW to version 300.2.11.1020.
    * Resolved an AMT timeout issue which would cause a long delay during BIOS POST prior to booting to the OS.
    * Security update.
    * Implemented a workaround for PMC to clear USB2 PHY core wake upon entering warm reset cycle.
    * After performing FW Update and trying to open a session to an Intel® DAL applet, a wrong error message is shown for failed verification of the HMAC
    * Fix an issue when the System comes out of S3, Intel® KVM connectivity is lost.
    * Fix an issue when performing an update on the FW, system reboot after shutdown.
    * Intel® Ethernet connection I219 goes to high power in modern standby with LAN cable connected to an isolated router without internet.
    * Fix an issue the CPU residency is too low during plug in LAN cable.
    * Fix an issue when Deep Sx is enabled, changing the CPU to vPro will not change AMT type.
    * Update PMC FW to 300.2.11.1014
  • Inclus: Flash, Info tools & Firmware.
  • Note: FWU Image for local FW update. 


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Submitted On:
17 May 2022
File Size:
File Version: & 5Mo)
File Author:
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