Intel Network Connections Software Version 25.3 WHQL
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- Submitted On:
- 19 Sep 2020
- Description:
Intel(R) Network Connections Software Version 25.3 Release Notes
August 19, 2020
This release includes software and drivers for Intel(R) adapters and integrated
network connections.
What's New in This Release
- Support for the Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-XXV
- Support for the Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-XXV for backplane
- Support for the Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-XXV for QSFP
- Support for the Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-XXV for SFP
- Support for the Intel(R) Ethernet Network Adapter E810-XXV-2
- Support for the Intel(R) Ethernet Network Adapter E810-XXV-2 for OCP 3.0
- Linux support for the Intel(R) Ethernet Network Adapter E810-C-Q1 for OCP
- Support for the Intel(R) Ethernet Network Adapter E810-C-Q2 for OCP 3.0
- Microsoft* Windows* support for Intel(R) Ethernet Controller (3) I225-IT
- Microsoft Windows support for Intel(R) Ethernet Controller (3) I225-LM
- Microsoft Windows support for Intel(R) Ethernet Controller (3) I225-LMvP
- Microsoft Windows support for Intel(R) Ethernet Controller (3) I225-V
- Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.9. Drivers are no longer tested on
RHEL 7.8.
- Removed support for the Microsoft Windows 10 32-bit e1d driver. This affects
devices based on the following controllers:
* Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I217-LM
* Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I217-V
* Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I218-LM
* Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I218-V
* Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I219-LM
* Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I219-VOfficiel: oui
Pour: Windows & Linux
Drivers Version:
I217/218/219 : 08/26/2020, (Win10-20H2)
I217/218/219 : 07/25/2019, (Win10)
I217/218/219 : 09/27/2017, (Win8.1)
I210/211/.... : 06/15/2020, (Win10-20H2)
I210/211/.... :06/15/2020, (Win10)
I210/211/....: 11/14/2019, (Win8.1)
I354: 10/08/2018, (Win10-20H2)
I354: 08/04/2016, (Win10)
I354: 06/05/2015, (Win8.1)
82579LM/V : 07/25/2016,
I225: 06/07/2020, (Win10)
- Submitted On:
- 20 Sep 2020
- File Size:
- 587MB
- Downloads:
- 718
- File Version:
- 25.3 WHQL
- File Author:
- Pacman