Intel Network Connections Software Version 30.0
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- Submitted On:
- 24 Jan 2025
- Description:
Intel(R) Network Connections Software, Release 30.0
i225/226 02/15/2024, / 02/20/2024,
I210/211/I350/... 11/15/2024,
I219/ = Date & Version: 06/26/2024, / 02/19/2024,
January 09, 2025
This release includes software and drivers for Intel(R) Ethernet
adapters and integrated network connections.
^^^^^^^^* Intel(R) Network Connections Software, Release 30.0
* What's New in This Release
* User Guides
* Bug Fixes and Known Issues
* Supported Operating Systems
* Supported Hardware
* Intel Fiber Optic Connections
* Customer Support
* Legal / Disclaimers
What's New in This Release
==========================See the release notes for a full listing of new or removed features in
this release. To view the release notes:1. Go to the following page on
es&sort=relevancy&f:@tabfilter=[Developers]2. In the list of results, click on the link for 'Intel(R) Ethernet
Controller Products Release Notes.'* By default, the page lists the newest released version.
* If you need to view the release notes for a different version,
click on the 'More Versions' link in the right side of the search
result and select your desired version.
User Guides
===========See the Intel(R) Ethernet Adapters and Devices User Guide for
installation instructions, explanations of supported features and
tools, and troubleshooting tips.You can view this user guide in the Intel Resource and Documentation
Center at
Point releases (for example, 29.1.1) may not have a corresponding
user guide version. In those cases, refer to the user guide for the
major release (for example, 29.1).If you need localized installation instructions, you can access them
at the following location within the software release:/DOCS/QUICK/quick.htm
Bug Fixes and Known Issues
==========================See the release notes for the list of all currently known issues,
limitations, and resolved issues.
Supported Operating Systems
===========================The drivers in this software release have been tested with the
operating systems (OSs) listed below. Additional OSs may function with
our drivers but are not tested.Note:
Not all devices support all operating systems listed. Refer to the
Release Notes for detailed OS support information for your device.
Microsoft Windows Server*, Azure Stack HCI, and Windows*
--------------------------------------------------------* Microsoft Windows Server* 2025
* Microsoft Windows Server 2022
* Microsoft Windows Server 2019, Version 1903
* Microsoft Windows Server 2016
* Microsoft Azure Stack HCI
* Microsoft Windows* 11 version 24H2
* Microsoft Windows 11 version 23H2 (build 22631.2506)
* Microsoft Windows 11 version 22H2 (build 22621)
* Microsoft Windows 10 version 21H2 (build 19044)
* Microsoft Windows 10 RS5, Version 1809 (build 17763)
- Submitted On:
- 24 Jan 2025
- File Size:
- 854Mo
- Downloads:
- 796
- File Version:
- 30.0
- File Author:
- Fdrsoft