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Marvell AQC113C FourPartID Firmware updater edit
- Shonk
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Re: Marvell AQC113C FourPartID Firmware updater edit
11 months 3 days ago - 11 months 1 day ago
I have been messing with mine today
I have a second identical card
I desoldered the flash on both cards and dumped them with a CH341 (as i wanted a dump of the bad one also)
you cant dump in situ the data is bad
good.clx is a trimmed dump of my working card
./flashupdate2 --reflash ATL2-8.0.1_AGENT_sign.CLX good.clx
\1> ./kickstart2
kickstart2 x86_64-w64-mingw32-4.10-110-g0d62bf7
Connected to device '0000-05:00.0'
Chip reset completed (boot from flash). Time: 80 ms
Loaded MAC FW Version: 1.0.113
Loaded PHY FW Version: 6.1.2 (reported by MAC FW)
Loaded bundle: 1.3.21
Here is the firmware that bricked it for comparison
Connected to device '0000-05:00.0'
Chip reset completed (boot from flash). Time: 90 ms
Loaded MAC FW Version: 1.0.124
Loaded PHY FW Version: 6.1.2 (reported by MAC FW)
Loaded bundle: 1.3.36
So the firmware on the Fenvi/NicGiga/any other card that looks identical is
slept the pc and woke it up again to load the hardware/firmware
and its working
oddly it kept its original mac also
I presumed i would end up with a cloned mac
The MAC is either OTP or flashupdate2 preserved the MAC somehow
I have a second identical card
I desoldered the flash on both cards and dumped them with a CH341 (as i wanted a dump of the bad one also)
you cant dump in situ the data is bad
good.clx is a trimmed dump of my working card
./flashupdate2 --reflash ATL2-8.0.1_AGENT_sign.CLX good.clx

kickstart2 x86_64-w64-mingw32-4.10-110-g0d62bf7
Connected to device '0000-05:00.0'
Chip reset completed (boot from flash). Time: 80 ms
Loaded MAC FW Version: 1.0.113
Loaded PHY FW Version: 6.1.2 (reported by MAC FW)
Loaded bundle: 1.3.21
Here is the firmware that bricked it for comparison
Connected to device '0000-05:00.0'
Chip reset completed (boot from flash). Time: 90 ms
Loaded MAC FW Version: 1.0.124
Loaded PHY FW Version: 6.1.2 (reported by MAC FW)
Loaded bundle: 1.3.36
So the firmware on the Fenvi/NicGiga/any other card that looks identical is
slept the pc and woke it up again to load the hardware/firmware
and its working
oddly it kept its original mac also
I presumed i would end up with a cloned mac
The MAC is either OTP or flashupdate2 preserved the MAC somehow
Last edit: 11 months 1 day ago by Shonk.
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- Shonk
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Re: Marvell AQC113C FourPartID Firmware updater edit
11 months 1 day ago - 11 months 1 day ago
Good news i have got a reply from an oem that uses newpeak to make their card
they provided me with 20240227_AQC113_Family_FW1.5.38 there is no updatedata.xml or flasher though
AQC113-Antigua-Swap_Bx-1.5.38_bdp_aqsign.clx: There are: MDI Swap.
AQC113-Antigua_Bx-1.5.38_bdp_aqsign.clx: There are: MDI Normal.
AQC113-DirtyWake-Swap_Bx-1.5.38_bdp_aqsign.clx: There are: MDI Swap, Dirtywake, shutdownMode enabled.
AQC113-DirtyWake_Bx-1.5.38_bdp_aqsign.clx: There are: MDI Normal, Dirtywake, shutdownMode enabled.
My guess is the card uses MDI Swap or MDI Swap Dirty Wake hence my problems with AQC113-Antigua_Bx-1.3.36_bdp_aqsign.clx
There is no point me trying to force the issue but have asked them for a copy of updatedata.xml from the factory
if they dont provide me with one i will start forcing the issue
I will provide a complete package once i get updatedata.xml from the oem
Release Notes
FW version 1.5.38 for Marvell AQC113 Family of Controllers
MAC: 1.2.122
PCIROM: 3.1.106
PHY: 06.00.11
PHY: 06.00.15
PHY: 06.01.02
27 February 2024
* Bypassed automatic execution of PCIe Configuration from Bootloader.
* PCIe Serdes Firmware integrated into MAC Firmware image and loaded during cold boot.
* PCIe initialization triggered from MAC Firmware.
* ROMBIN atlantic2 set to Antigua_1_5_xxx_487
31 October 2023
* Signed PXE ROM v3.1.106 with EFI v2.1.13 FW
* Added fix for Pre-Boot DMA protection
31 October 2023
* Signed PXE ROM v3.1.105 with EFI v2.1.12 FW
* Added boot time optimization and check for cable detect status - fix for Lenovo
3 February 2023
* Reverted the change of loading the PCIe PHY FW to PCIe PHY SRAM (Change introduced in 1.3.29).
The PHY FW will be loaded from PCIe PHY ROM as it was before
8 April 2022
* Added Advertize 2.5 and 5G NBase-T speed capabilities
* Added AQC113 device ID 0x34C0 to inventory list
18 March 2022
* OEM specific release
* exluded SerDes FW to 3.5.0
* Added configuration to enable SRAM ECC detection and correction
23 feb 2022
* OEM specific release
* Added CFG TLV configuration changes(need your input)
16 feb 2022
* OEM specific release
* Fixed the unintended Wake-On-Link-Up behavior on the Mac-OS environment.
* Fixed the issue of untimely wake-up from Wake-On-Timer.
08 feb 2022
* Updated the SerDes FW to 3.5.0
* Limited the PCIe preset mask to p4-p9 for Gen3 and Gen4
15 jan 2022
* Introduced additional provisionable PCIe configuration mode to workaround PCIe instability observed on some platforms
Relevance- AQC113C
5 jan 2022
* Removed default advertisement of GARP and Unsolicited NA in Sleep Proxy mode. The driver can use the new capability mask bit in the offload-control register to control this feature
* Do not wait for 20sec (linklatchuptimeout) to enable Wakeonlinkup if the link is down at the time of suspend/sleep
* Removed the extra link flap on Wake-on-link. And when the system wakes up, initialize the link at the highest possible speed
Relevance: fast-boot mode
11 nov 2021
* Updated PCIe VPD data
Relevance: images with PCIe VPD support
* Added support for drvdiag -s in PCIROM v3.1.4 UEFI driver
Relevance: UEFI
16 oct 2021
* OEM specific release with specific provisioning
* Skipped version
02 july 2021
* Fixed the issue of incorrect packet statistics counters reported by fw
* Removed 1G half duplex speed advertisement from the speed capability configuration
* Fixed the invalid speed advertisement
Relevance: AQC115C-B1
* Fixed the wrong led behavior at 2.5G speed
Relevance: AQC115C
23 apr 2021
* Added firmware support to disable NCSI via BDP provisioning
* Fixed longer link downtime during os suspend to resume transition in fast-boot mode
13 apr 2021
* Fixed the TFTP pxe boot failure due to failure to acknowledge Ock/Oack
Relevance: FW images with PCIe option rom support
02 apr 2021
* Added mDNS support
* Skipped version
13 feb 2021
* PHY firmware updated to v6.01.02 for Bx
* PHY change: only enable autoneg timeout when downshift is enabled if downshift was active
* Disable Reed Solomon feature in PHY firmware
* Fixed AQC113 power consumption is higher when cable is removed vs. Attached
08 feb 2021
* Revert additional fix for mDNS
05 feb 2021
* Fixed answers in mDNS query differ between when system is in sleep and when the system is awake - additional fix
* Fixed panic case: extended Lom port not open up after secure request was sent
01 feb 2021
* Fixed AQC113 failed when configured with 10G/full-duplex and came back up with a hot-plug of cable
28 jan 2021
* Fixed additional fix - remove questions from response (mDNS)
26 jan 2021
* Fixed AQC113: link became inactive and still fails with hot-plug of cable
* Fixed additional fix for regression test failure
* Fixed AQC113: answers in mDNS query differ between when system is in sleep and when the system is awake
20 jan 2021
* Fixed AQC113 ping failed after stress test when system is in sleep
* Fixed [Lom] ping6 extLom is successful after the system panics without pinging basic Lom
10 jan 2021
* Fixed AQC113 PTP tx ring appears to stop working
6 jan 2021
* Fixed AQC113 A0 : built-in became 10base after cable was plugged in switch
* Fixed [Lom] extended mode enabled before 30 sec window
* Fixed [Lom] extended Lom port should be closed after 300 seconds, not 500+ seconds
* Added provision registers 3660 and 3664 in config
* PHY firmware updated to v6.01.01 for Bx
18 dec 2020
* Fixed AQC113 extended Lom port should be closed after 300 seconds, not 500+ seconds - "shutdown" case
* Fixed AQC113 extended Lom port kept open after Lom unenrolled
* Fixed AQC113 ping6 ext Lom drops packets when system is shutdown (power on failed)
15 dec 2020
* Fixed AQC113 (both A0/B0) FW does not respond to mDNS query while sleeping
* Fixed AQC113 did not wake after tcp keepalive expires
* PHY firmware updated to v6.0.15
26 nov 2020
* Fixed AQC113 (both A0/B0) FW does not respond to mDNS query while sleeping (side-issue with uncast request)
* Fixed thermal shutdown functionality is not provisionable
* Remove support for 10m_HD and 100m_HD
09 nov 2020
* Added support for B1 devices
27 oct 2020
* Fixed AQC113 Lom0 doesn't generate interrupts for link change events
14 oct 2020
* Added support for B0 devices
16 sept 2020
* Fixed MAC firmware hang while pc wakeup from suspend state
* Fixed unexpected wake when thunderbolt ethernet adapter is connected
* Fixed regression: ipv4 ping to nic proxy not functioning
22 july 2020
* Fixed configuration for GPIO
* Fixed calculation read bytes for smbus transaction of Lom
* Fixed interrupt line for Lom if rx packet available
* Fixed Lom interruption pin set to "asserted" after initializing
26 june 2020
* No changes
25 june 2020
* Fixed processing of mDNS resource records
Known issue:
* GPIO pin for reset function should be pulled up instead of pulled down
10 june 2020
Bug fixes:
* Fixed possible datapath stuck after hot-reset
* Fixed link negotiation issue caused after reset for AQC113C 7x7 devices
* Fixed chip stuck which may be caused by soft reset
* Fixed issue preventing chip reset when reset requested while loading ITI
6 may 2020
Bug fixes:
* Fixed issue that cause PCIe link drops
* Fixed issue when MAC calculated PHY hash before PHY is ready
* FW provide packet to driver that woke up the system
New features:
* SNR data were added to driver interface
16 march 2020
Bug fixes:
* PHY reset stability improvements
* Fixed PHY FW stuck caused by fast reset
* Fixed ipv6 offload issue which may prevent receiving fragmented packets
* Fixed VPD corruption caused by multiple VPD read/write operations
* Hot reset alarm support added
* MSM settings may be applied without link drop-off
14 february 2020
Bug fixes:
* FW no longer wake host after first link down/up immediately after hibernation
* Fixed SerDes initialization which cause disappearance from PCIe
* Fixed wake on link up
* Disabled half-duplex by default for 10M, 100M, 1G speeds
31 january 2020
* Disabled half duplex on 10M, 100M, 1G speeds by default
* Disabled run-time power optimizations
24 january 2020
* Added "coma" power mode
Bug fixes:
* Fixed disappearing from PCI after hibernating
* Fixed data at mDNS response for ipv4 "A" request
* Fixed missing response for mDNS PTR+TXT request
* Fixed chip licensing, which hadn't got settings from efuse high word
10 january 2020
* Reduced minimal timeout for TCPKA from 60 to 1 sec
Bug fixes:
* Fixed link up in sleep proxy mode
* Fixed missed ipv6 probes after TCPKA timeout
* Fixed wake up caused by receiving TCPKA probe with wrong flags
* Fixed data at mDNS reply
30 december 2019
New features:
* Added chip licensing functionality
* Added thermal monitor interface
* Added cable diagnostics
Bug fixes:
* Fixed flow control configuration. Incoming pause frames cause traffic slow down as intended.
* Fixed forced reset of PHY FW caused by MAC FW
* Fixed incorrect data at probe packet which is generated by TCPKA offload
* Fixed invalid src ipv6 at mDNS reply
* VPD mailbox was removed from FW
* Fixed wake up counter
* Fixed resending probes by TCPKA after receiving correct ack on first probe
20 december 2019
Initial release
they provided me with 20240227_AQC113_Family_FW1.5.38 there is no updatedata.xml or flasher though
AQC113-Antigua-Swap_Bx-1.5.38_bdp_aqsign.clx: There are: MDI Swap.
AQC113-Antigua_Bx-1.5.38_bdp_aqsign.clx: There are: MDI Normal.
AQC113-DirtyWake-Swap_Bx-1.5.38_bdp_aqsign.clx: There are: MDI Swap, Dirtywake, shutdownMode enabled.
AQC113-DirtyWake_Bx-1.5.38_bdp_aqsign.clx: There are: MDI Normal, Dirtywake, shutdownMode enabled.
My guess is the card uses MDI Swap or MDI Swap Dirty Wake hence my problems with AQC113-Antigua_Bx-1.3.36_bdp_aqsign.clx
There is no point me trying to force the issue but have asked them for a copy of updatedata.xml from the factory
if they dont provide me with one i will start forcing the issue
I will provide a complete package once i get updatedata.xml from the oem
Release Notes
FW version 1.5.38 for Marvell AQC113 Family of Controllers
MAC: 1.2.122
PCIROM: 3.1.106
PHY: 06.00.11
PHY: 06.00.15
PHY: 06.01.02
27 February 2024
* Bypassed automatic execution of PCIe Configuration from Bootloader.
* PCIe Serdes Firmware integrated into MAC Firmware image and loaded during cold boot.
* PCIe initialization triggered from MAC Firmware.
* ROMBIN atlantic2 set to Antigua_1_5_xxx_487
31 October 2023
* Signed PXE ROM v3.1.106 with EFI v2.1.13 FW
* Added fix for Pre-Boot DMA protection
31 October 2023
* Signed PXE ROM v3.1.105 with EFI v2.1.12 FW
* Added boot time optimization and check for cable detect status - fix for Lenovo
3 February 2023
* Reverted the change of loading the PCIe PHY FW to PCIe PHY SRAM (Change introduced in 1.3.29).
The PHY FW will be loaded from PCIe PHY ROM as it was before
8 April 2022
* Added Advertize 2.5 and 5G NBase-T speed capabilities
* Added AQC113 device ID 0x34C0 to inventory list
18 March 2022
* OEM specific release
* exluded SerDes FW to 3.5.0
* Added configuration to enable SRAM ECC detection and correction
23 feb 2022
* OEM specific release
* Added CFG TLV configuration changes(need your input)
16 feb 2022
* OEM specific release
* Fixed the unintended Wake-On-Link-Up behavior on the Mac-OS environment.
* Fixed the issue of untimely wake-up from Wake-On-Timer.
08 feb 2022
* Updated the SerDes FW to 3.5.0
* Limited the PCIe preset mask to p4-p9 for Gen3 and Gen4
15 jan 2022
* Introduced additional provisionable PCIe configuration mode to workaround PCIe instability observed on some platforms
Relevance- AQC113C
5 jan 2022
* Removed default advertisement of GARP and Unsolicited NA in Sleep Proxy mode. The driver can use the new capability mask bit in the offload-control register to control this feature
* Do not wait for 20sec (linklatchuptimeout) to enable Wakeonlinkup if the link is down at the time of suspend/sleep
* Removed the extra link flap on Wake-on-link. And when the system wakes up, initialize the link at the highest possible speed
Relevance: fast-boot mode
11 nov 2021
* Updated PCIe VPD data
Relevance: images with PCIe VPD support
* Added support for drvdiag -s in PCIROM v3.1.4 UEFI driver
Relevance: UEFI
16 oct 2021
* OEM specific release with specific provisioning
* Skipped version
02 july 2021
* Fixed the issue of incorrect packet statistics counters reported by fw
* Removed 1G half duplex speed advertisement from the speed capability configuration
* Fixed the invalid speed advertisement
Relevance: AQC115C-B1
* Fixed the wrong led behavior at 2.5G speed
Relevance: AQC115C
23 apr 2021
* Added firmware support to disable NCSI via BDP provisioning
* Fixed longer link downtime during os suspend to resume transition in fast-boot mode
13 apr 2021
* Fixed the TFTP pxe boot failure due to failure to acknowledge Ock/Oack
Relevance: FW images with PCIe option rom support
02 apr 2021
* Added mDNS support
* Skipped version
13 feb 2021
* PHY firmware updated to v6.01.02 for Bx
* PHY change: only enable autoneg timeout when downshift is enabled if downshift was active
* Disable Reed Solomon feature in PHY firmware
* Fixed AQC113 power consumption is higher when cable is removed vs. Attached
08 feb 2021
* Revert additional fix for mDNS
05 feb 2021
* Fixed answers in mDNS query differ between when system is in sleep and when the system is awake - additional fix
* Fixed panic case: extended Lom port not open up after secure request was sent
01 feb 2021
* Fixed AQC113 failed when configured with 10G/full-duplex and came back up with a hot-plug of cable
28 jan 2021
* Fixed additional fix - remove questions from response (mDNS)
26 jan 2021
* Fixed AQC113: link became inactive and still fails with hot-plug of cable
* Fixed additional fix for regression test failure
* Fixed AQC113: answers in mDNS query differ between when system is in sleep and when the system is awake
20 jan 2021
* Fixed AQC113 ping failed after stress test when system is in sleep
* Fixed [Lom] ping6 extLom is successful after the system panics without pinging basic Lom
10 jan 2021
* Fixed AQC113 PTP tx ring appears to stop working
6 jan 2021
* Fixed AQC113 A0 : built-in became 10base after cable was plugged in switch
* Fixed [Lom] extended mode enabled before 30 sec window
* Fixed [Lom] extended Lom port should be closed after 300 seconds, not 500+ seconds
* Added provision registers 3660 and 3664 in config
* PHY firmware updated to v6.01.01 for Bx
18 dec 2020
* Fixed AQC113 extended Lom port should be closed after 300 seconds, not 500+ seconds - "shutdown" case
* Fixed AQC113 extended Lom port kept open after Lom unenrolled
* Fixed AQC113 ping6 ext Lom drops packets when system is shutdown (power on failed)
15 dec 2020
* Fixed AQC113 (both A0/B0) FW does not respond to mDNS query while sleeping
* Fixed AQC113 did not wake after tcp keepalive expires
* PHY firmware updated to v6.0.15
26 nov 2020
* Fixed AQC113 (both A0/B0) FW does not respond to mDNS query while sleeping (side-issue with uncast request)
* Fixed thermal shutdown functionality is not provisionable
* Remove support for 10m_HD and 100m_HD
09 nov 2020
* Added support for B1 devices
27 oct 2020
* Fixed AQC113 Lom0 doesn't generate interrupts for link change events
14 oct 2020
* Added support for B0 devices
16 sept 2020
* Fixed MAC firmware hang while pc wakeup from suspend state
* Fixed unexpected wake when thunderbolt ethernet adapter is connected
* Fixed regression: ipv4 ping to nic proxy not functioning
22 july 2020
* Fixed configuration for GPIO
* Fixed calculation read bytes for smbus transaction of Lom
* Fixed interrupt line for Lom if rx packet available
* Fixed Lom interruption pin set to "asserted" after initializing
26 june 2020
* No changes
25 june 2020
* Fixed processing of mDNS resource records
Known issue:
* GPIO pin for reset function should be pulled up instead of pulled down
10 june 2020
Bug fixes:
* Fixed possible datapath stuck after hot-reset
* Fixed link negotiation issue caused after reset for AQC113C 7x7 devices
* Fixed chip stuck which may be caused by soft reset
* Fixed issue preventing chip reset when reset requested while loading ITI
6 may 2020
Bug fixes:
* Fixed issue that cause PCIe link drops
* Fixed issue when MAC calculated PHY hash before PHY is ready
* FW provide packet to driver that woke up the system
New features:
* SNR data were added to driver interface
16 march 2020
Bug fixes:
* PHY reset stability improvements
* Fixed PHY FW stuck caused by fast reset
* Fixed ipv6 offload issue which may prevent receiving fragmented packets
* Fixed VPD corruption caused by multiple VPD read/write operations
* Hot reset alarm support added
* MSM settings may be applied without link drop-off
14 february 2020
Bug fixes:
* FW no longer wake host after first link down/up immediately after hibernation
* Fixed SerDes initialization which cause disappearance from PCIe
* Fixed wake on link up
* Disabled half-duplex by default for 10M, 100M, 1G speeds
31 january 2020
* Disabled half duplex on 10M, 100M, 1G speeds by default
* Disabled run-time power optimizations
24 january 2020
* Added "coma" power mode
Bug fixes:
* Fixed disappearing from PCI after hibernating
* Fixed data at mDNS response for ipv4 "A" request
* Fixed missing response for mDNS PTR+TXT request
* Fixed chip licensing, which hadn't got settings from efuse high word
10 january 2020
* Reduced minimal timeout for TCPKA from 60 to 1 sec
Bug fixes:
* Fixed link up in sleep proxy mode
* Fixed missed ipv6 probes after TCPKA timeout
* Fixed wake up caused by receiving TCPKA probe with wrong flags
* Fixed data at mDNS reply
30 december 2019
New features:
* Added chip licensing functionality
* Added thermal monitor interface
* Added cable diagnostics
Bug fixes:
* Fixed flow control configuration. Incoming pause frames cause traffic slow down as intended.
* Fixed forced reset of PHY FW caused by MAC FW
* Fixed incorrect data at probe packet which is generated by TCPKA offload
* Fixed invalid src ipv6 at mDNS reply
* VPD mailbox was removed from FW
* Fixed wake up counter
* Fixed resending probes by TCPKA after receiving correct ack on first probe
20 december 2019
Initial release
Last edit: 11 months 1 day ago by Shonk.
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Re: Marvell AQC113C FourPartID Firmware updater edit
11 months 23 hours ago
very nice. it will be possible to update network card
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- Shonk
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Re: Marvell AQC113C FourPartID Firmware updater edit
10 months 3 weeks ago - 10 months 3 weeks ago
Still no updatedata.xml so i decided to try flashing it
If i use an edited updater the mac fails to start
like it did with 1.3.36
im guessing this is wrong for the card with a MAC of 02:76:C6:01:XX:XX (XX is redacted ofc..)
<bdp id="15">
<pciid vid="1d6a" did="14c0" sdid="0001" svid="1d6a" />
1.5.38 should work for people that 1.3.36 worked for (Dont try forcing this on Fenvi/Newpeak/NicGiga until we get a working updatedata.xml for that card)
Here's the firmware with no updater NicGiga supplied it
I had to recover the card with my backup
./flashupdate2 --reflash ATL2-8.0.1_AGENT_sign.CLX good.clx
kickstart2 x86_64-w64-mingw32-4.10-110-g0d62bf7
Connected to device '0000-05:00.0'
Chip reset completed (boot from flash). Time: 80 ms
Loaded MAC FW Version: 1.0.113
Loaded PHY FW Version: 6.1.2 (reported by MAC FW)
Loaded bundle: 1.3.21
Then sleep the pc
I also tried
./flashupdate2 --reflash ATL2-8.0.1_AGENT_sign.CLX AQC113-Antigua_Bx-1.5.38_bdp_aqsign.clx
kickstart2 x86_64-w64-mingw32-4.10-110-g0d62bf7
Connected to device '0000-05:00.0'
Chip reset completed (boot from flash). Time: 90 ms
Loaded MAC FW Version: 1.2.122
Loaded PHY FW Version: 6.1.2 (reported by MAC FW)
Loaded bundle: 1.5.38
the card worked fine until i put the computer to sleep
then you get no link
so had to restore from my backup again..
If and when NicGiga get back to me with updatedata.xml i will post it here
If i use an edited updater the mac fails to start
like it did with 1.3.36
im guessing this is wrong for the card with a MAC of 02:76:C6:01:XX:XX (XX is redacted ofc..)
<bdp id="15">
<pciid vid="1d6a" did="14c0" sdid="0001" svid="1d6a" />
1.5.38 should work for people that 1.3.36 worked for (Dont try forcing this on Fenvi/Newpeak/NicGiga until we get a working updatedata.xml for that card)
Here's the firmware with no updater NicGiga supplied it
I had to recover the card with my backup
./flashupdate2 --reflash ATL2-8.0.1_AGENT_sign.CLX good.clx
kickstart2 x86_64-w64-mingw32-4.10-110-g0d62bf7
Connected to device '0000-05:00.0'
Chip reset completed (boot from flash). Time: 80 ms
Loaded MAC FW Version: 1.0.113
Loaded PHY FW Version: 6.1.2 (reported by MAC FW)
Loaded bundle: 1.3.21
Then sleep the pc
I also tried
./flashupdate2 --reflash ATL2-8.0.1_AGENT_sign.CLX AQC113-Antigua_Bx-1.5.38_bdp_aqsign.clx
kickstart2 x86_64-w64-mingw32-4.10-110-g0d62bf7
Connected to device '0000-05:00.0'
Chip reset completed (boot from flash). Time: 90 ms
Loaded MAC FW Version: 1.2.122
Loaded PHY FW Version: 6.1.2 (reported by MAC FW)
Loaded bundle: 1.5.38
the card worked fine until i put the computer to sleep
then you get no link
so had to restore from my backup again..
If and when NicGiga get back to me with updatedata.xml i will post it here
Last edit: 10 months 3 weeks ago by Shonk.
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Re: Marvell AQC113C FourPartID Firmware updater edit
10 months 4 weeks ago
I tried with version 1.36 the same even adding the new firmware, it does not work it cannot load the detection part of the chipset ? sd24 (Z790 Proart AQC-113)
Asus Z790 Pro Art, Intel Cpu I7 14700K, Memoires 32Go Corsair DDR5 (6000Mhz CL30), Water-cooling Thermaright, nVidia Geforce RTX3060, Alimentation Asus ROG 850W, Samsung SSD 990 Pro, SSD980 Pro, Clavier Roccat Vulkan , Souris Asus, Boitier NZXT H6, HP Creative SB Kratos Free Fibre 10Gb Cable CAT8/7, Switch 10/5/2.5Gbps, Casque Philips Fedelis.
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