--- SURVEY Are you satisfied with the S-D site? ---

Hello to all of you and thank you again for your loyalty,
Today I want to know if you are satisfied with the site since the change of the server and some touch-ups of the color and the change of the theme of the Forum.
Of course I am aware that there may still be work to do but the biggest part is done
Thank you for your answers

audio Realtek HDA/UAD/Component Drivers

  • TurboTacho
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Realtek HDA/UAD/Component Drivers

2 años 5 meses antes - 1 año 11 meses antes
Realtek UAD (DCH) Driver: 6.0.9403.1 (.cab)

Realtek HDA Driver: 6.0.9273.1 (.cab)

Realtek Audio Effects Component - 11.0.6000.1063 (.7z)

Realtek Audio Universal Service - 1.0.562.0 (.7z)

Realtek Hardware Support Application - 11.0.6000.279 (.7z)
Última Edición: 1 año 11 meses antes por admin.
El siguiente usuario dijo gracias: fikotr74

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Re: Realtek HDA/UAD/Component Drivers

2 años 5 meses antes
In an effort to prod erpster to release a newer or complete version

Gigabyte 6.0.9403.1


El siguiente usuario dijo gracias: CryoEnd, TurboTacho

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Re: Realtek HDA/UAD/Component Drivers

2 años 5 meses antes
Hey TurboTacho,

the first link you post as 'Realtek HDA Driver: 6.0.9403.1' that's not a HDA driver, the last HDA driver released last year 2021 November version 6.0.9273.1.

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  • TurboTacho
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Re: Realtek HDA/UAD/Component Drivers

2 años 5 meses antes
Thank you for the point out. I've corrected the first post accordingly.

Por favor, Conectar o Crear cuenta para unirse a la conversación.

Re: Realtek HDA/UAD/Component Drivers

2 años 4 meses antes
I seem to remember that the HDA driver 6.0.9273.1 was FF04 with Conexant (CXAPO) Integration.
And that the latest generic FF00 HDA driver is 6.0.9239.1.
I don't know if I'm wrong.

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Gracias a Foro Kunena