I Decided to flash all of my old ASM1153's from Seagate Enclosures to the best firmware
which seems to be this as it's the most feature complete and the latest
141126_A1_EE_83 UASP + TRIM + Drive ID Passthrough
If you get problems with flashing failing you can either short pins 1+2 with small tweezers to boot into the safe rom
built into the chip,unshort when the pc makes the usb connected sound
or just unplug it and plug back in and try again
you have to be on the safe rom if you want to backup your current firmware
LED Normal = On when doing nothing
LED Reversed = Off when doing nothing
ASM1153 + ASM1153E Firmware's
130605_A0_05_02 UASP NO TRIM NO LED (From Seagate Expansion )
140704_A0_93_00 UASP NO TRIM NO LED (From Seagate Expansion )
141126_21_B9_85 NO UASP NO TRIM Hard Coded ID USB\VID_0781&PID_5588&REV_0100 SanDisk Extreme Pro
141126_A1_00_00 UASP NO TRIM Hard Coded ID ASMT 2115
141126_A1_AB_21 UASP NO TRIM LED Reversed Drive ID Passthrough
141126_A1_D2_06 UASP NO TRIM LED Reversed Drive ID Passthrough
141126_A1_EE_82 UASP + TRIM
141126_A1_EE_83 UASP + TRIM + Drive ID Passthrough